Cool flames activated by ozone and plasma (Distinguished paper award)

[1] Sang Hee Won, Bo Jiang, Pascal Diévart, Chae Hoon Sohn, Yiguang Ju, Self-Sustaining n-Heptane Cool Diffusion Flames Activated by Ozone, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 35,  2014

[2] Sun, W., Won, S.H., Ju, Y., In Situ Plasma Activated Low Temperature Chemistry and the S-Curve Transition in DME/Oxygen/Helium Mixture, Combustion and Flame, 2014,

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Low Temperature Chemistry Changes Turbulent Flame Regimes and Speeds

[1] Won, S. H., Windom, B., Jiang, B., & Ju, Y. (2014). The role of low temperature fuel chemistry on turbulent flame propagation. Combustion and Flame, 161(2), 475-483. 

HO2 and H2O2 Diagnostics succeeded.

[1] Brumfield, B., Sun, W., Ju, Y., & Wysocki, G. (2013). Direct In Situ Quantification of HO2 from a Flow Reactor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4(6), 872-876.

[2] Guo, H.J., Sun, W., Haas, F.M., Dryer, F.L., Ju, Y. (2013), Measurements of H2O2 in Low Temperature Dimethyl Ether Oxidation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, pp. 573-581.


High Pressure-Mechanism for Acetylene (HP-Mech)

[1] Shen,X., Yang­ X., Santner J., Sun J. and Ju Y., Experimental and Kinetic Studies of Acetylene Flames at Elevated Pressures, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 35, accepted, 2014

MTS-PFA-CO-DAC Methods for model reduction

[1] Sun, W., Chen, Z., Gou, X.L., Ju, Y. (2010), “A Path Flux Analysis Method for the Reduction of Detailed Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms,” Combustion and Flame 157, 1298-1307.

[2] Gou, X.L., Sun, W., Chen, Z., and Ju, Y. (2010), “Dynamic Multi-Timescale Method for Combustion Modeling with Detailed and Reduced Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms,” Combustion and Flame 157, 1111-1121.