!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    http://engine.princeton.edu/mechanism/HP-Mech.html    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!              Authors: Xueliang Yang, Xiaobo Shen, Jeffery Santer, Hao Zhao, and Yiguang Ju @Princeton University            !
!                                                                                                                             !
! Collaborators: Michael P. Burke, Emily A. Carter, Stephen Dooley, Fred L. Dryer, Francis M. Haas,                           !
! Stephen Klippenstein, Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Chung K. Law,  Dong Liu, Wenting Sun, Ting Tan, Sheng Yang, Sang Hee Won   !
!                                                                                                                             !
! Primary Paper Citation:
! [1] Shen, X., Yang, X., Santner, J., Sun, J. and Ju, Y., 2015. Experimental and kinetic studies of acetylene flames at elevated pressures. 
!     Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(1), pp.721-728. 
! [2] Hao Zhao, Jiapeng Fu, Francis M. Haas,Yiguang Ju, Effect of prompt dissociation of formyl radical on 1,3,5-trioxane and CH2O laminar flame 
!     speeds with CO2 dilution at elevated pressure, Combustion and Flame, 183 (2017) 253–260.
!--------------------Other HP-Mech Sub-Mechanism validation papers for different fuels and CO2/H2O---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! [3] Michael P. Burke, Marcos Chaos, Yiguang Ju, Frederick L. Dryer, Stephen J. Klippenstein, Comprehensive H2/O2 Kinetic Model for High-Pressure Combustion, International journal of Chemical Kinetics, Vol. 44(7), 2012, pp. 444-474
! [4] Yang, Sheng, Xueliang Yang, Fujia Wu, Yiguang Ju, and Chung K. Law. "Laminar flame speeds and kinetic modeling of H2/O2/diluent mixtures at sub-atmospheric and elevated pressures." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36, no. 1 (2017): 491-498.
! [5] J Santner, FL Dryer, Y Ju, The effects of water dilution on hydrogen, syngas, and ethylene flames at elevated pressure, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 719-726, 2013
! [6] Santner, J., Haas, F.M., Dryer, F.L. and Ju, Y., 2015. High temperature oxidation of formaldehyde and formyl radical: A study of 1, 3, 5-trioxane laminar burning velocities. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(1), pp.687-694.
! [7] Liu, D., Santner, J., Togbé, C., Felsmann, D., Koppmann, J., Lackner, A., Yang, X., Shen, X., Ju, Y. and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., 2013. Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame, 160(12), pp.2654-2668.
! [8] Diévart, P., Won, S.H., Gong, J., Dooley, S. and Ju, Y., 2013. A comparative study of the chemical kinetic characteristics of small methyl esters in diffusion flame extinction. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(1), pp.821-829.
! [9] JS Santner, X Yang, D Chen, Q Wang, Y Ju, X Shen, HP-Mech: A High Pressure Kinetic Mechanism for C2 Flames with Exhaust Gas Dilution, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-Paper, 2015-0416.
!																						 !
!                                  CHEMISTRY INPUT FILE                                  !
!																						 !





! C0 species

H              H2             O              O2             OH
H2O            N2             HO2            H2O2           AR

! C1 species

CO             CO2            CH2O           HCO            HOCO                       
CH3OH          CH2OH          CH3O      
CH3O2H         CH3O2          CH4            CH3            CH2
CH2(S)         C              CH             HCOH           HCOH(T)


C2H6           C2H5           C2H4           C2H3           C2H2
C2H            CH3CHO         CH3CO          CH2CHO         CH2CO
HCCO           H2CC           C2O            C2H3O2
HCCOH          OCHCHO         
C2H5OH         C2H5O          CH2CH2OH       CH3CHOH        CH3OCH2
C2H5O2         C2H4O1-2       C2H3O1-2       CH2CHOH

C3H2           C3H2SING       H2CCC          c-C3H2         C3H3  
pC3H4          aC3H4          c-C3H4         aC3H5          sC3H5
tC3H5          C3H6           nC3H7          iC3H7          C3H8
C2H3CO	       C2H3CHO 

C4H			   C4H2           nC4H3          iC4H3          C4H4      
nC4H5          iC4H5          
!C4H6-13        C4H6-12        C4H6-2  

!C5H2           HCCCHCCH       H2CCCCCH       C5H5           C5H6
!C5H4O          C5H4OH         l-C5H5         C5H5O


C6H2           C6H3           l-C6H4         o-C6H4
C4H5C2H        FC6H6          C6H6           C6H5
C6H5OH         C6H5O          C6H4O2




!              H2/O2 mechanism of Burke et al. IJCK  (2011) with updates         !
!                                                                                !

!H2-O2 Chain Reactions

! Hong et al., Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2011) 33, 309-316
!H+O2<=>O+OH                   1.040E+14     0.000      15286.0
!include low-T measurements. New fit reproduce Hong's data very well
H+O2<=>O+OH                    7.260E+14    -0.235      15928.7
! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) 34, 758
O+H2<=>H+OH                    3.818E+12     0.000       7948.0
O+H2<=>H+OH                    8.792E+14     0.000      19170.0

! Michael and Sutherland, Journal of Physical Chemistry (1988) 92, 3853 (1988)
H2+OH<=>H2O+H                  2.160E+08     1.510       3430.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) 34, 758
!OH+OH=O+H2O                   3.340E+04     2.420      -1930.
! new fit
OH+OH=O+H2O                    9.320E+03     2.564      -2603.7
! H2-O2 Dissociation Reactions
H+H+H2<=>H2+H2                 1.015E+17    -0.600   0.0 
H+H+M<=>H2+M                   6.523E+17    -1.000   -53
   H2O/14.0/ CO/2.2/ CO2/4.6/ AR/1.0/ HE/0.75/ N2/1.0/ O2/1.0/ H2/0.0/ H/20/

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) 15, 1087
O+O+M<=>O2+M                   6.165E+15     -0.500      0.0
   H2/2.5/ H2O/12/ CO/1.9/ CO2/3.8/ AR/0.0/ HE/0.0/

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) 15, 1087
O+O+AR<=>O2+AR                 1.886E+13      0.000   -1788.0
O+O+HE<=>O2+HE                 1.886E+13      0.000   -1788.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) 15, 1087
O+H+M<=>OH+M               	   4.714E+18     -1.000       0.0
   H2/2.5/ H2O/12/ AR/0.75/ HE/0.75/ CO/1.9/ CO2/3.8/

! HPL rate
!Sellevåg et al., Journal of Physical Chemical A (2008) 112, 508505095
H+OH(+M)=H2O(+M)           	   2.510E+13      0.234     -114.
   LOW                         /4.50E+25     -3.064     1581.4/
! Srinivasan et al.,International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (2006) 38, 211-219
   TROE                        /0.72  1.0E-30 1.0E+30/
   H2/3.0/ HE/1.10/ N2/2.00/ O2/2.0/ AR/1.00/ CO/3.0/ CO2/4.0/ H2O /24.0/

! Formation and Consumption of HO2

! High-pressure limit from Troe, Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2000) 28, 1463-1469
! Low-pressure  limit is close to Michael et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2002) 106, 5297-5313
! refit the experimental data, resulting slightly different Centering factors 
! from Fernandes et al., Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (2008) 10, 4313-4321
! MAIN BATH GAS IS N2 (Comment this reaction otherwise)
! New fitting
H+O2(+M)<=>HO2(+M)        		1.025E+12     0.604          -241.1
   LOW                    		/1.736E+19    -1.230         0.0 /
   TROE                   		/0.495  1.00E-30  1.00E+30 /
   H2/2.0/ H2O/14/ O2/1.00/ CO/1.9/ CO2/3.0/ AR/0.60/ HE/0.72/  
! MAIN BATH GAS IS AR OR HE (Comment this reaction otherwise)
!H+O2(+M)<=>HO2(+M)         	1.025E+12     0.604          -241.1
!   LOW               			/1.676E+19     -1.290   129.3/
!   TROE           				/0.471   1.0E-10 1.00E+30  1.00E+30/
!   H2/3.4/ H2O/23/ O2/1.70/ CO/3.0/ CO2/6.40/ HE/1.20/ N2/1.70/


! Michael et al., Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2000) Vol. 28, pp.1471
HO2+H=H2+O2                     2.750E+06     2.090    -1451.
! reason to decrease Joe Michael's rate: 0.5 ppm of CH4 can affect O atom profile 
! Mueller et al., International Journal of Chemical Kinetic (1999) Vol. 31, pp.113
HO2+H<=>OH+OH           		7.079E+13     0.000        295.0

!Silveira et al., J. Phys. Chem. A,2004, 108, 8721-8730
!J. Phys. Chem. A 2000 104 3204-3210         
! sum two channel up to new fit
HO2+O<=>O2+OH           		3.210E+11     0.704       -534.3

!New fit
HO2+OH<=>O2+H2O         		7.44E+12       0.055      -915.2
HO2+OH<=>O2+H2O         		1.17E+23      -2.156     23681.

!Formation and Consumption of H2O2

! Hong et al Proc Combust Inst 34(2013) 565-571
HO2+HO2<=>H2O2+O2       		1.000E+14     0.000      11041.
HO2+HO2<=>H2O2+O2       		1.900E+11     0.000      -1409.
! Troe, Combustion and Flame (2011) Vol.158, pp. 594-601
! Rate constant is for Argon
H2O2(+M)<=>OH+OH(+M)       		2.000E+12     0.900      48749.0
   LOW            				/2.490E+24    -2.300      48749.0/
   TROE        					/0.430 1.00E-30 1.00E+30/
   H2O/7.5/ CO2/1.6/ N2/1.5/ O2/1.5/ HE/1.00/ H2O2/7.7/
! Efficiencies for H2 and CO taken from Li et al., International Journal of Chemical Kinetic (2004) Vol. 36, pp. 566-575
   H2/3.7/ CO/2.8/

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087

!REF: ELLINGSON ET AL., J. PHYS. CHEM. A 111(51) (2007) 13554-13566. (FIT TO THE THEORETICAL RATE)
H2O2+H<=>H2+HO2            		8.020E+06     2.000       3862.
H2O2+H<=>H2O+OH            		7.060E+06     2.142       3412.
H2O2+O<=>OH+HO2            		9.550E+06     2.000       3970.0

! Hong et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010) Vol. 114, pp. 5718-5727
H2O2+OH<=>HO2+H2O          		1.738E+12     0.000        318.0
H2O2+OH<=>HO2+H2O          		7.586E+13     0.000       7269.0

!              CO/CO2 mechanism-HPMECH                                !
!                                                            !

! High-pressure limit from  Ahren Jasper higher level of theory
! Low-pressure limit from Tsang 1986 JPCRD , more close to experiments a factor of 2 higher than badwin 1972
! but much smaller than USC Mech II between 1000-2000K with 1000K just 25% and 2000K comparable.
! Chaperon efficiencies from USC-mech II 
CO+O(+M)<=>CO2(+M)             1.80E+10    -0.000        2380.
  LOW                         /6.16E+14    -0.000       2999.5 /
  H2/2.0/ O2/1.0/ H2O/12.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.75/ CO2/3.6/ AR/0.7/ HE/0.7/

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087

CO+O2<=>CO2+O                 1.258E+13     0.000      47084.0

! You et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp.4031-1042
CO+HO2<=>CO2+OH               1.570E+05     2.180      17940.0

! Joshi and Wang, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (2006) Vol. 38, pp. 57-73
! The rate used is the low pressure limit value.
CO+OH<=>CO2+H                 7.046E+04     2.053      -276.2
CO+OH<=>CO2+H                 5.757E+12    -0.664       331.9

!              HCO/CH2O mechanism-HPMECH                              !
!                                                            !

! Xueliang calculations, level of theory
! The efficiency Coefficient of Ar and He are from Xueliang's calulations
HCO(+M)=H+CO(+M)     		9.960E+16      -1.019   19896.0 
   LOW               		/1.800E+22    -2.420    19367./  
   TROE             		/0.855    3131    110   3570./
 H2/2.0/ H2O/12.0/ CO/1.50/ CO2/3.0/ AR/0.59/ N2/1.0/ HE/0.78/ CH2O/4.0/ 

! Timonen et al  J. Phys. Chem. 1988
HCO+O2<=>CO+HO2          	7.578E+12     -0.000	   406.

! Friedrichs et al, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (2002), Vol. 4, pp.5778-5788
HCO+H<=>CO+H2           	1.100E+14     0.000          0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
HCO+O<=>CO+OH           	3.020E+13     0.000          0.0
HCO+O<=>CO2+H           	3.000E+13     0.000          0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
HCO+OH<=>CO+H2O         	3.020E+13     0.000          0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
! Branching ratio of 1:1 applied
HCO+HO2=>CO2+H+OH       	1.500E+13     0.000          0.0
HCO+HO2<=>CO+H2O2       	1.500E+13     0.000          0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
! Forgeteg et al. (International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (1979) Vol. 11, pp. 219-) suggested a branching ratio k1/k2 of ~2
HCO+HCO<=>CH2O+CO       	2.000E+13     0.000          0.0
HCO+HCO=>H2+CO+CO       	1.000E+13     0.000          0.0

! Vasudevan et al., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2007) Vol. 31, pp. 175-183
!CH2O+O2<=>HCO+HO2       	2.150E+14     0.000      43004.0
!New fit of Baldwin, Michael and Vasudevan data
!CH2O+O2<=>HCO+HO2         	1.450E+10     1.25       39498.0
CH2O+O2<=>HCO+HO2        	1.00E+14      0.00       39998.0
! The high pressure limit is from Troe, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 8320-8328
! The low pressure limit is from Troe, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 3862-3867
! The rate constants published by Troe are for Argon as a bath gas.
! The pre-exponential factor has been scaled by 1.15 in order to set Nitrogen as the bath gas.
! The Collision efficicency are taken From Li et al., Int. J. Chem. Kin. (2007) Vol. 37, pp. 109-136
CH2O(+M)<=>CO+H2(+M)    	1.230E+14    0.000      82935.
						LOW/3.100E+45   -8.000      97514.0 /
H2/2.00/ H2O/12.0/ AR/0.7/ CO/1.50/ CO2/3.80/ CH4/2.00/ 

! The high pressure limit is from Troe, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 8320-8328
! The low pressure limit is from Troe, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 3862-3867
! The rate constants published by Troe are for Argon as a bath gas.
! The pre-exponential factor has been scaled by 1.15 in order to set Nitrogen as the bath gas.
! The Collision efficicency are taken From Li et al., Int. J. Chem. Kin. (2007) Vol. 37, pp. 109-136
CH2O(+M)<=>HCO+H(+M)    	8.360E+17   -0.500      89149.0
						LOW/3.000E+39   -6.300      99904.0 /
H2/2.00/ H2O/12.0/ AR/0.7/ CO/1.50/ CO2/3.80/ CH4/2.00/ 

! Vasudevan et al., International Journal of Chemical Kinetic (2005) Vol. 37, pp. 98-
CH2O+OH<=>HCO+H2O           7.820E+07    1.630   -1055.0 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  7.820E+07    1.630   -1055.0 / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  7.820E+07    1.630   -1055.0 / 
CH2O+OH<=>HCO+H2O          -2.587E+11    0.692    9370.9  
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000 -2.587E+11    0.692    9370.9 / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001 -2.737E+11    0.679    9904/
CH2O+OH<=>H+CO+H2O          2.587E+11    0.692    9370.9 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  2.587E+11    0.692    9370.9 / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  2.737E+11    0.679    9904/ 

! Irdam et al., International Journal of Chemical Kinetic (1993) Vol. 25, pp. 285-303      HCO prompt dissociation
! Friedrichs et al. (International Journal of Chemical Kinetic (2002) Vol.34, pp. 374-) confirmed this number
CH2O+H<=>HCO+H2           	5.860E+03    3.130    1514.0 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  5.860E+03    3.130    1514.0  / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  5.860E+03    3.130    1514.0  / 
CH2O+H<=>HCO+H2            -5.109E+07    2.182   11528 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  -5.109E+07    2.182   11528  / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  -1.16E+09    1.812   13167 /  
CH2O+H<=>H+CO+H2          	5.109E+07    2.182   11528 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  5.109E+07    2.182   11528  / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  1.16E+09    1.812   13167 / 

! Hessler, J.P. ; Du, Hong [1] ; Ogren, P.J. High-temperature study of O + H2CO = OH + HCO
! Conference: 207. spring national meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS),San Diego, CA (United States),13-18 Mar 1994; Other Information: PBD: [1994]
CH2O+O<=>HCO+OH           	1.560E+08    1.670     1770.
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  1.560E+08    1.670     1770. / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  1.560E+08    1.670     1770. /  
CH2O+O<=>HCO+OH            -9.338E+17   -0.803    21684. 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  -9.338E+17   -0.803    21684. / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  -1.973E+18   -0.882    22607 / 
CH2O+O<=>H+CO+OH          	9.338E+17   -0.803    21684.  
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+000  9.338E+17   -0.803    21684. / 
PLOG /     +1.0000000E+001  1.973E+18   -0.882    22607 /    

! Calculation data
!CH2O+HO2<=>HCO+H2O2        1.884E+04     2.700     11520.
CH2O+HO2<=>HCO+H2O2        5.451E+00     3.720      9072.8


! Estimation
HCOH+O=>CO+H2O              8.00E+13     0.000       0.0
HCOH+OH=>HCO+H2O            3.00E+13     0.000       0.0
HCOH+H<=>HCO+H2             3.00E+13     0.000       0.0
HCOH+H<=>CH2O+H             3.00E+13     0.000       0.0
HCOH+O2=HO2+HCO				1.00E+13     0.000       0.0
HCOH(+M)=HCO+H(+M)          4.49E+10     1.050     46738 
  LOW				       /5.46E+29    -3.980     50083.4/
  TROE/ 0.571  2843.2 289.6 12522.7/
 H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CO/1.50/ CO2/3.0/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/3.0/ O2/1.20/ N2/1.00/ CH4/2.0/ HE/1.0/ 
!																				 !
!              				C mechanism-HPMECH									 !
!																				 !

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
C+OH<=>CO+H                  5.000E+13     0.000         0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C+O2<=>CO+O                  6.624E+13     0.000       635.9

!																				 !
!              				CH mechanism-HPMECH							 		 !
!																				 !

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH+H<=>C+H2                  1.200E+14     0.000         0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH+O<=>CO+H                  3.974E+13     0.000         0.0

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
CH+OH<=>HCO+H                3.000E+13     0.000         0.0

! Huang et al. (Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2002) Vol. 106, pp. 5490-5497) calculated the PES of the CH+O2 reactions. However, they only find the CO+OH and CO2+H channels.
! Rohrig et al. reported an overall experimental rate constant of 1.00 x 10^14 cm^3.mol^-1.K^-1 for T btween 2200-2600K
! Berman et al. (Symposium International on Combustion (1982) Vol. 19, pp. 73-) reported a rate of 3.25 x 10^13 cm^3.mol^-1.K^-1 for T between 300-700K
! Taatjes (Journal of Physical Chemistry (1996) Vol. 100, pp. 17840-) reported a rate of 3.37 x 10^14 x T^-0.48 cm^3.mol^-1.K^-1 for T between 20-300K
! Least square fit was performed on all these data, and obtained the overall expression 3.3 x 10^10 x T^1.008 x EXP(489.9/RT) cm^3.mol^-1.K^-1
CH+O2<=>CO2+H                9.900E+09      1.008      -489.9
CH+O2<=>CO+OH                6.600E+09      1.008      -489.9
CH+O2<=>HCO+O                6.600E+09      1.008      -489.9
CH+O2=>CO+O+H                9.900E+09      1.008      -489.9

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH+H2O<=>H+CH2O              4.577E+16    -1.420         0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH+CO2<=>HCO+CO              6.383E+07     1.510      -715.4

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH+CH2O<=>H+CH2CO            9.635E+13     0.000      -516.7

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
! Low pressure limit scaled by 1.40 to set N2 as the main bath gas
CH+CO(+M)<=>HCCO(+M)       3.794E+00     2.500         0.0
LOW / 1.463E+15    -0.400  0.0 /
TROE / 0.600  10.0  1.0E+07  1.0E+06 / 
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/  

!																				 !
!             			 CH2 mechanism-HPMECH							 		 !
!																				 !

! Triplet methylene

! Kiefer and Kumaran, Journal of Physical Chemistry (1993) Vol. 97, pp. 414-420
CH2+M=>C+H2+M                1.148E+14     0.000      55820.0
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/  

CH2+H<=>CH+H2                3.118E+13     0.000      -1341.

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH2+O=>CO+H+H                1.228E+14     0.000       536.5
CH2+O<=>CO+H2                8.190E+13     0.000       536.5

! Jasper et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 8699-8707
CH2+OH<=>CH+H2O              8.630E+05     2.019      6776.0
CH2+OH<=>CH2O+H              2.860E+13     0.123      -162.0

! Lee et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2012) Vol. 116, pp. 9245-9256
! The overall rate constant is 1.650E+13 x EXP(-874/T)
! Complex system with few experimental measurements
! The branching ratio between all the different channels is not well established.
! Blitz et al. (Z. Phys. Chem. (2011) Vol. 225, pp. 957?67) determined the following
! branching ratios at 298 K : CO+OH+H 32%, CO2+H+H 23%, CO2+H2 21%, CH2O+O 18%, CO+H2O 6%
! whereas Lee et al. determined at T about 1935 K the following
! branching ratios: CO+OH+H and CO2+H+H 58%, O+CH2O 23%, CO2+H2 and CO+H2O 19%
! Temperature dependence was derived from those two temperatures and applied to the overall rate constant.
CH2+O2=>CO+OH+H              5.673E+12     0.000       1779.2
CH2+O2=>CO2+H+H              3.991E+12     0.000       1766.6
CH2+O2<=>CO2+H2              3.968E+12     0.000       1908.4
CH2+O2<=>CH2O+O              2.328E+12     0.000       1501.3
CH2+O2<=>CO+H2O              6.130E+11     0.000       1453.0

! Lu et al.,  Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010) Vol. 114, pp. 5493-5502
CH2+H2<=>H+CH3               4.408E+05     2.300      7350.7

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2+HO2<=>OH+CH2O            2.000E+13     0.000         0.0

! Wang et al., Theoretical Chemistry AcCOunts (2006) Vol. 115, pp. 205-211
CH2+CH2O<=>CH3+HCO           7.407E-02     4.210      1623.9

! Braun et al., Journal of Chemical Physics (1981) Vol. 56, pp. 355-
CH2+CH<=>H+C2H2              4.000E+13     0.000         0.0

! Jasper et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 8699-8707
! The overall rate constant is 8.867E+13 x T^0.002 x EXP(-4.5/T)
! The branching ratio between the two channels was caluclated as C2H2+2H/C2H2+H2 4/1
CH2+CH2<=>C2H2+2H                        7.094E+13     0.002       8.9
CH2+CH2<=>C2H2+H2                        1.773E+13     0.002       8.9

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2+CO2<=>CH2O+CO            2.350E+10     0.000         0.0

!! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/ not important, just used to complete the reaction set
CH2+CO(+M)=CH2CO(+M)                   	8.10E+11	0.50      4510.  
	LOW                            /2.69E+33	-5.11     7095./
	TROE/ 0.5907  275.0  1226.00  5185.00 /
 H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/ HE/0.8/
!					 Singlet methylene							  !

! K. L. Gannon, M. A. Blitz, T. Kovács, M. J. Pilling, and P. W. Seakins J. Chem. Phys. 132, 024302(2010)
CH2(S)+HE<=>CH2+HE           5.37E+11	0.52       781.
CH2(S)+AR<=>CH2+AR           1.15E+09	1.35      -393.
CH2(S)+N2<=>CH2+N2           1.10E+10	1.13      -280.
CH2(S)+H2<=>CH2+H2           1.07E+12	0.52       781.
CH2(S)+O2<=>CH2+O2           1.10E+10	1.13      -280.
CH2(S)+CO<=>CH2+CO           1.10E+10	1.13      -280.
CH2(S)+H2O<=>CH2+H2O         5.56E+10	1.05      -274.
CH2(S)+CO2<=>CH2+CO2         2.78E+10	1.05      -274.
CH2(S)+C2H2<=>CH2+C2H2       0.80E+15	-0.57     -4.85  !! Pilling and Harding 20%

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH2(S)+C2H4<=>CH2+C2H4       1.144E+13     0.000      -556.4
CH2(S)+CH4<=>CH2+CH4         1.867E+12     0.000      -496.8

CH2(S)+M<=>CH2+M             1.200E+13     0.000         0.0
HE/0.0/ AR/0.0/ N2/0.0/ H2/0.0/ O2/0.0/ H2O/0.0/ CO2/0.0/ CH4/0.0/
C2H2/0.0/ C2H4/0.0/ CO/0.0/
!!==================================== above energy transfer==================================
! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2(S)+H<=>CH+H2             3.000E+13     0.000         0.0

! estimated
CH2(S)+O<=>H+CO+H             4.505E+13     0.000         0.0
CH2(S)+O<=>CO+H2              4.505E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2(S)+OH<=>CH2O+H           3.010E+13     0.000         0.0

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
CH2(S)+O2=>CO+OH+H           2.800E+13     0.000         0.0
CH2(S)+O2=>CO+H2O            1.200E+13     0.000         0.0

! Gannon et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2008) Vol. 112, pp. 9575-9583
CH2(S)+H2<=>CH3+H            6.311E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2(S)+HO2<=>CH2O+OH         3.010E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2(S)+H2O2<=>CH3O+OH        3.010E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2(S)+CO2<=>CH2O+CO         3.000E+12     0.000         0.0

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
! This reaction is known to be fast. Need better references
CH2(S)+H2O<=>CH2O+H2         6.820E+10     0.250      -935.0

!																				 !
!              		HCOOH mechanism-HPMECH								 		 !
!																				 !

! Veyret et al., Int, J. Chem. Kin. (1984) Vol. 16, pp. 1599-1608
!HOCH2O<=>HOCHO+H            1.000E+14    0.000   14900.0

! The decomposition reactions of Formic Acid HOCHO have been treated with a Quantum RRK treatment.

! High Pressure Limit: Chang et al., J. Phys. Chem. A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 6789-6797
!HOCHO(+M)<=>CO+H2O(+M)      7.490E+14    0.000   68710.0
!LOW / 7.509E+35   -5.141   75378.6 /
!TROE / 0.658  3.9995E+06  18.20  6.2394E+10 /
!AR/0.7/ H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/2.0/ CO2/3.0/ C2H6/3.0/
!CH3OCHO/3.0/ CH3OH/3.0/ 

! High Pressure Limit: Chang et al., J. Phys. Chem. A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 6789-6797
!HOCHO(+M)<=>CO2+H2(+M)      4.460E+13    0.000   68240.0
!LOW / 3.794E+36   -5.599   73824.6 /
!TROE / 0.832  6.3888E+07  15.60  5.1116E+10 /
!AR/0.7/ H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/2.0/ CO2/3.0/ C2H6/3.0/
!CH3OCHO/3.0/ CH3OH/3.0/ 

! Galano et al., J. Phys. Chem. A (2002) Vol. 106, pp. 9520-9528
!HOCHO+OH<=>H2O+OCHO                 1.370E+10   0.000  -1562.0
!HOCHO+OH<=>H2O+HOCO                 5.932E+11   0.000   2059.0

! Healy et al.
!HOCHO+HO2<=>OCHO+H2O2               2.549E+12   0.040  34470.0
!HOCHO+HO2<=>HOCO+H2O2               1.000E+12   0.000  11920.0

! Healy et al.
!HOCHO+O<=>HOCO+OH                   1.770E+18  -1.900   2975.0

! Healy et al.
!HOCHO+H<=>OCHO+H2                   4.240E+06   2.100   4868.0
!HOCHO+H<=>HOCO+H2                   6.030E+13  -0.350   2988.0

! Healy et al.
!HOCHO+CH3<=>HOCO+CH4                3.900E-07   5.800   2200.0

! Healy et al.
!HOCHO+HCO<=>CH2O+OCHO               8.584E+11   0.040  26750.0
!HOCHO+O2<=>OCHO+HO2                 4.101E+12  -0.308  59880.0

!																				 !
!              		CH3 mechanism-HPMECH								 		 !
!																				 !

! Lim and Michael, Symposium International on Combustion, 1994, Vol. 25, pp. 713-719
! Nitrogen set as the bath gas
! Efficiencies taken from GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
CH3+M=>CH2+H+M          4.030E+15     0.000      84468.0
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/
AR/0.7/ HE/0.70/ CH3OH/4.0/

! Lim and Michael, Symposium International on Combustion, 1994, Vol. 25, pp. 713-719
! Nitrogen set as the bath gas
! Efficiencies taken from GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
CH3+M=>CH+H2+M         3.569E+15     0.000      81046.0
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/
AR/0.7/ HE/0.70/ CH3OH/4.0/

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3+O<=>CH2O+H          6.745E+13     0.000         0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3+O=>CO+H2+H          1.686E+13     0.000         0.0

! Jasper et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 3932-3950
CH3+OH<=>CH2+H2O        4.293E+04     2.568      3998.2

! Jasper et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 3932-3950
CH3+OH<=>CH2(S)+H2O          4.283E+15       -0.860     1887.5
PLOG /    0.001316     1.132E+14       -0.458     -496.2 /
PLOG /    0.013158     2.234E+14       -0.538     -220.4 /
PLOG /    0.131579     1.160E+15       -0.727      600.5 /
PLOG /    1.315789     4.283E+15       -0.860     1887.5 /
PLOG /   13.157895     4.385E+14       -0.539     2931.7 /
PLOG /  131.578947     6.091E+10        0.596     2922.8 /

CH3+OH<=>H2+CH2O            3.555E+12       -0.532     2042.3
PLOG /    0.001316     3.887E+09        0.254    -1220.7 /
PLOG /    0.013158     1.988E+10        0.060     -624.4 /
PLOG /    0.131579     2.815E+11       -0.250      498.3 /
PLOG /    1.315789     3.555E+12       -0.532     2042.3 /
PLOG /   13.157895     2.192E+12       -0.432     3415.4 /
PLOG /  131.578947     2.360E+09        0.453     3791.0 /

CH3+OH<=>H+CH2OH            1.006E+10        0.942     3295.0
PLOG /    0.001316     8.442E+09        0.963     3230.4 /
PLOG /    0.013158     8.442E+09        0.963     3230.4 /
PLOG /    0.131579     1.006E+10        0.942     3295.0 /
PLOG /    1.315789     5.601E+10        0.740     3971.0 /
PLOG /   13.157895     5.531E+11        0.486     5443.5 /
PLOG /  131.578947     2.525E+10        0.909     6402.1 /

CH3+OH<=>H+CH3O             7.926E+08        1.065    11859.0
PLOG /    0.001316     7.893E+08        1.065    11858.5 /
PLOG /    0.013158     7.893E+08        1.065    11858.5 /
PLOG /    0.131579     7.893E+08        1.065    11858.5 /
PLOG /    1.315789     7.926E+08        1.065    11859.0 /
PLOG /   13.157895     1.029E+11        1.034    11969.8/
PLOG /  131.578947     3.073E+11        0.922    12980.5 /

CH3+OH<=>H2+HCOH            6.533E+11        0.112      931.9
PLOG /    0.001316     1.210E+09        0.830    -2322.5 /
PLOG /    0.013158     6.397E+09        0.633    -1700.9 /
PLOG /    0.131579     8.000E+10        0.340     -564.6 /
PLOG /    1.315789     6.533E+11        0.112      931.9 /
PLOG /   13.157895     2.064E+11        0.295     2199.8 /
PLOG /  131.578947     9.402E+07        1.286     2423.8 /

! Srinivasan et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 7902-7914
CH3+O2<=>CH3O+O         		7.546E+12     0.000     28320.0

! Srinivasan et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 11589-11591
CH3+O2<=>CH2O+OH        		6.383E+11     0.000     13594.0

! Jasper et al., Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2007) Vol. 32, pp. 279-286
CH3+HO2<=>CH3O+OH       		1.000E+12     0.269      -687.5

! Jasper et al., Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2007) Vol. 32, pp. 279-286
CH3+HO2<=>CH4+O2        		1.189E+05     2.228     -3022.5

! Harding et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2007) Vol. 9, pp. 4055-4070
HCO+CH3<=>CH4+CO        		6.310E+16    -1.230        500.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH2O+CH3<=>HCO+CH4      		3.190E+01     3.360       4312.0

! Miller and Bowman, Progress in Energy and Combustion Sciences (1989) Vol. 15, pp. 287-338
CH3+CH<=>H+C2H3         		3.000E+13     0.000          0.0

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
! known to be fast reaction
CH3+CH2(S)<=>H+C2H4     		1.200E+13     0.000       -570.0

! Jasper et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 8699-8707
CH3+CH2<=>H+C2H4        		1.200E+15    -0.343        153.1

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
! Fast for sure
CH4+CH2(S)<=>CH3+CH3         	1.867E+13     0.000      -496.8

!! Yang et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 113: 8318 (2009). 
CH3+CH3(+M)=C2H6(+M)                   	8.878E+16	-1.16      774.5 
	LOW  			       /3.741E+50	-9.93     7389./ ! k0
	TROE 				/0.7548 158.0 32828. 46564. /                                ! Fcent   
 H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/3.0/ AR/1.0/ CH4/3.0/ C2H6/4.5/ N2/1.50/ 
!! Lim, et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. 25: 713(1994) 
! more direct measurement. smaller than Hanson group measurement
2CH3=H+C2H5                            	3.16E+13	0.00	 14665.  

!																				 !
!              		CH3O mechanism-HPMECH										 !
!																				 !

! The rate constant has been calculated by Stephen Klippenstein
! Troe fitting valid between 400 and 2000 K, 0.001 and 100 atm
! The Chaperon efficiency for Argon is derived from fitting of the Master-Equation results
CH3O(+M)<=>H+CH2O(+M)                  1.320E+16   -0.588    26772.1
LOW  / 1.326E+25   -2.981    22465.4 /
TROE / 0.1698 1.00E-09  807456.9  7029.4 /
H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/0.67/ C2H6/3.00/ N2/1.00/ HE/0.8/ 

! Xu et al., Molecular Physics (2007) Vol. 105, pp. 2763-2776
CH3O+H<=>CH2O+H2        				3.500E+08     1.601       -708.6
CH3O+H<=>CH2O+H2        				3.320E+03     2.316      -1815.2

! Xu et al., Molecular Physics (2007) Vol. 105, pp. 2763-2776
CH3O+H<=>CH2(S)+H2O     				3.280E+12     0.088       -152.6

! estimated
CH3O+O=OH+CH2O          				8.000E+13     	0.00         0.  

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O+OH<=>CH2O+H2O               		1.810E+13     0.000          0.0

! Wantuck et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry (1987) Vol. 91, pp. 4653-4655
CH3O+O2<=>CH2O+HO2      				9.033E+13     0.000      11978.8
CH3O+O2<=>CH2O+HO2      				2.168E+10     0.000       1748.7

! Mousavipour and Homayoon, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011) Vol. 115, pp. 3291?300
! There are three channels producing the set of products CH2O + H2O2
! The first rate constant is the sum of the two first channels (involving the intermediate product)
CH3O+HO2<=>CH2O+H2O2    				1.420E+04     1.506       6295.3
CH3O+HO2<=>CH2O+H2O2    				7.566E-23    10.670      25357.9

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
! New calculations!
CH3O+CO<=>CH3+CO2                		1.570E+13     0.000      11804.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH3O+HCO<=>CH2O+CH2O             		6.030E+12    0.000        0.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH3O+HCO<=>CH3OH+CO              		9.040E+13    0.000        0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O+CH2<=>CH2O+CH3              		1.810E+13    0.000        0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O+CH3<=>CH2O+CH4              		2.410E+13    0.000        0.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH3O+CH3O<=>CH3OH+CH2O           		2.000E+13    0.000        0.0
!! decreased by a factor of 3 since these rate wont be that fast

!																				 !
!              			CH2OH mechanism-HPMECH									 !
!																				 !

! The rate constant has been calculated by Stephen Klippenstein
! Troe fitting valid between 400 and 2000 K, 0.001 and 100 atm
! The Chaperon efficiency for Argon is derived from fitting of the Master-Equation results
CH2OH(+M)<=>H+CH2O(+M)                 1.211E-02    4.680    32592.0
LOW  / 1.924E+29   -4.037    33697.4 /
TROE / 0.1680 1.0E-09  3619.5  10985.0 /
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ CH4/2.0/ AR/0.665/ C2H6/3.0/ N2/1.0/

! The rate constant has been calculated by Stephen Klippenstein
! Troe fitting valid between 300 and 2000 K, 0.001 and 100 atm
! The rate constant below is for Nitrogen as the bath gas
CH2OH<=>CH3O                           3.797E+22   -4.681    35559.6
PLOG /    0.001       1.158E+18   -4.592    36016.8 /
PLOG /    0.010       3.810E+19   -4.628    35229.3 /
PLOG /    0.100       2.870E+21   -4.771    35111.7 /
PLOG /    1.000       3.797E+22   -4.681    35559.6 /
PLOG /    5.000       9.756E+22   -4.499    36133.6 /
PLOG /   10.000       1.449E+23   -4.416    36465.8 /
PLOG /   50.000       2.935E+23   -4.199    37365.2 /
PLOG /  100.000       2.423E+23   -4.046    37725.5 /

! Xu et al., Molecular Physics (2007) Vol. 105, pp. 2763-2776
CH2OH+H<=>CH2O+H2       			3.810E+06     1.870       134.0

! Xu et al., Molecular Physics (2007) Vol. 105, pp. 2763-2776
! Chemically activated route
CH2OH+H<=>CH2O+H2       			6.840E+03     2.281     -1394.9

! Xu et al., Molecular Physics (2007) Vol. 105, pp. 2763-2776
CH2OH+H<=>CH2(S)+H2O    			9.020E+09     0.870      -785.9

! Xu et al., Molecular Physics (2007) Vol. 105, pp. 2763-2776
CH2OH+H<=>CH3O+H        			2.460E+07     1.595      7194.1

! Seetula et al., Chemical Physics Letters (1994) Vol. 224, pp. 533-538
! Temperature range is 300-508 K
CH2OH+O<=>CH2O+OH       			6.564E+13     0.000       -693.2

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH2OH+OH<=>H2O+CH2O     			2.40E+13      0.000         0.0

! Shocker et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 6622?627
CH2OH+O2<=>CH2O+HO2     			1.08E+12     	0.12      -594.2

! Mousavipour and Homayoon, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011) Vol. 115, pp. 3291?300
! There are two channels producing the set of products CH2O + H2O2
! The present rate constant is the sum of the two channels
CH2OH+HO2<=>CH2O+H2O2      			1.222E+12      0.257       -689.4

! Mousavipour and Homayoon, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011) Vol. 115, pp. 3291?300
! CH2OH+HO2<=>HOCHO+H2O     		3.600E+12   0.120   454.1

! Friedrichs et al., Int. J. Chem. Kin. (2004) Vol. 36, pp. 157-169
CH2OH+HCO<=>CH2O+CH2O   			1.500E+13     0.000         0.0
CH2OH+HCO<=>CH3OH+CO    			1.200E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH2OH+CH2<=>OH+C2H4       			2.410E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
! Scaled by 10
CH2OH+CH2<=>CH2O+CH3              	1.210E+13     0.000          0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH2OH+CH3<=>CH2O+CH4              	2.410E+12     0.000          0.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH2OH+CH3O<=>CH2O+CH3OH 			2.400E+13     0.000         0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH2OH+CH2OH<=>CH2O+CH3OH 			9.033E+12    0.000         0.0

!																				 !
!              			CH4 mechanism-HPMECH									 !
!																				 !
CH3+H(+M)=CH4(+M)        			3.41E+14    	0.00   	291.95
LOW/8.87E+35   -5.52  4411.25/
TROE/0.419  3165.06   177.35   204926.14/
H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.30/ CO2/4.0/ AR/1.0/ CH4/3.0/ C2H6/4.0/ N2/1.50/ HE/1.1/ CH3OH/6.0/ O2/1.5/

! Sutherland et al., International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (2001) Vol. 33, pp. 669-684
! Valid between 348 and 1950 K
CH4+H<=>CH3+H2          			4.083E+03     3.156      8755.6

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH4+O<=>CH3+OH          			4.396E+05     2.500      6577.6

! Srinivasan et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 1857-1863
CH4+OH<=>CH3+H2O        			1.000E+06     2.180      2446.0

! Aguilera-Iparraguirre., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2008) Vol. 112, pp. 7047-7054
CH4+HO2<=>CH3+H2O2      			1.130E+01     3.740     21009.7

! Bohland et al., Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie (1985) Vol. 89, pp. 1110-1116
CH4+CH2<=>CH3+CH3       			2.460E+06     2.000      8270.0

!																				 !
!             			 CH3OH mechanism-HPMECH							     	 !
!																				 !

! Jasper et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2007) Vol. 111, pp. 3932-3950
! The Troe expression of Jasper has been fitted to follow the Troe format used in Chemkin
! The low pressure limit has been scaled by 1.42=1/0.70 (2.652E+52 x 1.42 = 3.766E+52) to set N2 as the bath gas
! The efficiency coefficients are taken from Li et al., 

! Jasper Paper
CH3OH(+M)<=>CH3+OH(+M)                            2.084E+18    -0.615   92549.9
LOW/ 3.789E+52   -9.547  105313.1 /
TROE/ 0.250  956.7  4213.7  9443.3 /
AR/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/ CH3OH/3.0/ 

! Jasper Paper
CH3OH(+M)<=>CH2(S)+H2O(+M)                        5.246E+18    -1.135   91160.8
LOW/ 2.308E+50    -9.145  99105.9 /
TROE/  0.539  1538.8  3.4  13918.0 /
AR/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/ CH3OH/3.0/ 

! Jasper Paper
! The present fitting is valid for pressures between 100 and 1000000 torr
! and temperatures between 750 and 3000 K
CH3OH(+M)<=>CH2O+H2(+M)                           1.660E+12     0.199   89678.5
LOW/ 6.190E+25    -2.750  84971.1 /
TROE/  0.014  737.2  740.2  206499.5 /
AR/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/ CH3OH/3.0/ 

! Jasper Paper
! The present fitting is valid for pressures above 100 torr
! and temperatures between 750 and 3000 K
CH3OH(+M)<=>HCOH+H2(+M)                           2.917E+07     1.950   85035.0
LOW/ 7.786E+37    -5.994  86236.9 /
TROE/  0.686  1718.3  153.9  499615.0 /
AR/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/  CH3OH/3.0/ 

! Jasper paper, Bath gas is Argon
! The present fitting is valid between 750 and 3000 K
CH3OH<=>CH2OH+H                        4.089E+44   -9.428   107414.2 ! 1 atmosphere rate constant
PLOG /     0.000132      3.110E+34   -7.944   111085.7 /
PLOG /     0.001320      1.110E+37   -8.323   109174.3 /
PLOG /     0.013200      6.733E+38   -8.510   107101.1 /
PLOG /     0.132000      4.959E+41   -8.969   105978.8 /
PLOG /     1.320000      4.086E+44   -9.382   107251.7 /
PLOG /    13.200000      4.080E+45   -9.263   109268.3 /
PLOG /   132.000000      7.717E+43   -8.419   110568.1 /
PLOG / 13200.000000      1.638E+29   -3.838   105074.8 /

! Jasper paper, Bath gas is Argon
! The present fitting is valid between 750 and 3000 K
CH3OH<=>CH3O+H                         3.068E+34   -7.332   116789.8 ! 1 atmosphere rate constant
PLOG /     0.000132      9.241E+28   -7.012   134030.3 /
PLOG /     0.001320      9.218E+28   -6.689   130040.2 /
PLOG /     0.013200      2.179E+30   -6.772   127194.7 /
PLOG /     0.132000      3.517E+31   -6.819   121849.3 /
PLOG /     1.320000      3.053E+34   -7.292   115732.5 /
PLOG /    13.200000      2.060E+39   -8.158   114301.0 /
PLOG /   132.000000      3.311E+42   -8.531   117206.4 /
PLOG / 13200.000000      5.484E+39   -6.946   123154.3 /

! Moses et al. (Klippenstein), The Astrophysical Journal (2011) Vol. 737, Paper 15.
! QCISD(T)/CBS//QCISD(T)/cc-pVTZ calculations were performed with the spin-restricted formalism
CH3OH+H<=>CH2OH+H2               		6.564E+04    2.728     4451.3 
CH3OH+H<=>CH3O+H2                		4.107E+04    2.658     9226.6
! Moses et al. (Klippenstein), The Astrophysical Journal (2011) Vol. 737, Paper 15.
! QCISD(T)/CBS//QCISD(T)/cc-pVTZ calculations were performed with the spin-restricted formalism
CH3OH+H<=>CH3+H2O                		2.957E+05    2.485    20627.0 

! Lu et al., Journal of Chemical Physics (2005) Vol. 122, Paper No. 244314
! The overall rate constant was determined to be 1.650E+06 x T^2.25 x exp(-2980.8/RT)
! The branching ratio k(CH2OH)/ktotal was set to 0.99 at 300K, 0.95 at 1000K, and 0.90 at 2000K, and a 3-parameter fitting was applied.
CH3OH+O<=>CH2OH+OH                		3.332E+06    2.146     3050.3
CH3OH+O<=>CH3O+OH                 		4.322E+02    3.050     3528.5
! The branching ratios is assumed to be temperature independent and set to be 90/10 CH2OH/CH3O
! The rate is from Hanson group recent paper. It agrees with  MC Lin theory very well
CH3OH+OH<=>CH2OH+H2O             		5.740E+04    2.620      -681.
CH3OH+OH<=>CH3O+H2O              		0.574E+04    2.620      -681.

! Skodje et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010) Vol. 114, pp. 8286-8301
CH3OH+O2<=>CH2OH+HO2             		3.580E+05    2.270    42736.0

! The reaction of methanol with the hydroperoxy radical to generate the hydroxymethyl radical is the most sensitive reaction
! in the methanol subset at the temperatures typically used in flow reactors.
! Li et al. estimated a rate of 3.98 x 1E+13 x EXP(-19400/RT) by fitting the flow reactor data.
! Altarawneh et al. ( Journal of Computational Chemistry A (2011) Vol. 32, pp. ) computed
! a rate of 3.26 x 1E+13 x EXP(-18282/RT), while Skodje et al (Journnal of  Physical Chemistry A (2010) Vol. 114, pp. 8286-8301)
! published a rate equal to 2.28 x 1E-05 x T^5.06 x EXP(-10214/RT).
! The rate constant proposed by Skodje et al. is much smaller than the Li et al. rate
! Rate constants calculated by Alecu and Truhlar are herein adopted. They are of intermediate value between those of Li et al. and Skodje et al.
! They have been fitted in a double non-Arrenius expression between 150 and 3000 K.
! Alecu and Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011) Vol. 115, pp. 14599-14611
CH3OH+HO2<=>CH3O+H2O2            		2.368E+02    3.204    20558.3
CH3OH+HO2<=>CH3O+H2O2            		1.210E-02    4.157    16677.5

CH3OH+HO2<=>CH2OH+H2O2           		2.404E-01    4.086    12842.3
CH3OH+HO2<=>CH2OH+H2O2           		6.977E-10    6.172     7030.3

! Johnson et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2000) Vol. 2, pp. 2549-2553
! Assuming a branching ratio k(CH2OH)/k equal to 95%
CH3OH+CH<=>CH2+CH3O              		4.522E+17   -1.930        0.0
CH3OH+CH<=>CH2+CH2OH             		8.592E+18   -1.930        0.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH3OH+CH2<=>CH3+CH3O             		1.443E+01    3.100     6935.0
CH3OH+CH2<=>CH3+CH2OH            		3.192E+01    3.200     7174.0

! Alecu and Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011) Vol. 115, pp. 14599-14611
! Rate constants calculated by Alecu and Truhlar are herein adopted.
! They have been fitted in a double non-Arrenius expression between 150 and 3000 K.
CH3OH+CH3<=>CH2OH+CH4            		7.490E+00    3.493     7808.5
CH3OH+CH3<=>CH2OH+CH4            		2.079E-12    6.622     1603.2

CH3OH+CH3<=>CH3O+CH4             		6.475E+03    2.338     8761.0
CH3OH+CH3<=>CH3O+CH4             		8.513E-09    5.089     2844.2

! Estimation should be close to true number
CH3OH+CH2(S)<=>C2H4+H2O             	1.000E+13    0.000        0.0
CH3OH+CH2(S)<=>CH3+CH2OH            	1.000E+14    0.000        0.0

!																				 !
!              			CH3O2 mechanism-HPMECH							  		 !
!																				 !

! Fernandez et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 4442-4449
CH3+O2(+M)<=>CH3O2(+M)  				7.812E+09     0.900         0.0
                  LOW / 6.850E+24    -3.000         0.0 / 
TROE / 0.6000 1000.0 70.0 1700.0 /
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/3.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/
AR/0.7/ HE/0.70/  CH3OH/3.0/

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O2+CH2O<=>CH3O2H+HCO 			1.990E+12     0.000     11660.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH4+CH3O2<=>CH3+CH3O2H       		1.810E+11     0.000     18480.0

! Tsang, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1987) Vol. 16, pp. 471-508
CH3OH+CH3O2<=>CH2OH+CH3O2H   		1.810E+12     0.000     13710.0

! Keiffer et al., Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics (1988) Vol. 84, pp. 505-514
CH3O2+CH3<=>CH3O+CH3O        		5.080E+12     0.000     -1411.0

! Lightfoot et al., Atmospheric Environment Part A (1992) Vol. 26, pp. 1805-1961
CH3O2+HO2<=>CH3O2H+O2        		2.470E+11     0.000     -1570.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3O2+CH3O2=>CH2O+CH3OH+O2   		5.118E+09    -0.105     -2544.5

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3O2+CH3O2=>O2+CH3O+CH3O    		1.257E+11    -0.097      -316.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O2+H<=>CH3O+OH            		9.600E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O2+O<=>CH3O+O2            		3.600E+13     0.000         0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3O2+OH<=>CH3OH+O2          		6.000E+13     0.000         0.0

! Lightfoot et al., Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions (1991) Vol. 87, pp. 3213-3220
CH3O2H<=>CH3O+OH             		6.310E+14     0.000     42300.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
H2+CH3O2<=>H+CH3O2H          		1.500E+14     0.000     26030.0

!!=================================================C2 SPECIES=======================================================

!																				 !
!              			C2H mechanism-HPMECH							     	 !
!																				 !
C2H+H(+M)=C2H2(+M)                     	1.00E+17    	-1.00        0.  ! GRI-Mech 3.0
  LOW                                  /3.75E+33    	-4.80     1900./
  TROE /0.6464 132 1315 5566/                    
  H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/ HE/0.8/    
!! not important in most cases    

!Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
C2H+O=CH+CO                            	6.00E+13     	0.00       0.  ! 

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H+OH<=>H+HCCO                      	2.000E+13     0.000      0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C2H+O2<=>HCO+CO                      	1.626E+14    -0.350      0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C2H+H2<=>H+C2H2                      	2.108E+06     2.320    882.3

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C2H+HO2<=>HCCO+OH                    	1.806E+13     0.000      0.0

!Estimated not important, adding them may cause stiffness
!C2H+HCO=C2H2+CO						 	6.00E+13		0.00	  0.0
!C2H+CH3=C3H3+H						 	5.00E+13		0.00	  0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C2H+CH4<=>CH3+C2H2                   	2.168E+10     0.940    651.8

! estimated
C2H+CH3OH=C2H2+CH2OH                   	6.03E+13     	0.00        0.  
C2H+CH3OH=C2H2+CH3O                    	1.21E+13     	0.00        0.  

!																				 !
!              			C2O mechanism-HPMECH							     	 !
!																				 !

! Miller and Melius, Combustion and Flame (1992) Vol. 91, pp. 21-
C2O+H<=>CH+CO                        	5.000E+13     0.000      0.0
C2O+O<=>CO+CO                        	5.000E+13     0.000      0.0
C2O+OH=>CO+CO+H                      	2.000E+13     0.000      0.0
C2O+O2=>CO+CO+O                      	2.000E+13     0.000      0.0

!																				 !
!              			HCCO mechanism-HPMECH							     	 !
!																				 !

! Klippenstein et al., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2002) Vol. 29, pp. 1209-
HCCO+O2=>CO2+CO+H                    	4.780E+12    -0.140    1150.0
HCCO+O2=>CO+CO+OH                    	1.910E+11    -0.020    1023.0
HCCO+O2=>O+CO+HCO                    	2.180E+02     2.690    3541.0

HCCO+OH<=>HCOH+CO                    	3.000E+13     0.000      0.0  
PLOG /   0.010   2.769E+13     0.09     -20. /
PLOG /   0.010  -1.402E+15    -0.28   10792. /
PLOG /   0.100   2.769E+13     0.09     -20. /
PLOG /   0.100  -1.402E+15    -0.28   10792. /
PLOG /   1.000   2.769E+13     0.09     -20. /
PLOG /   1.000  -1.402E+15    -0.28   10792. /
PLOG /  10.000   5.677E+12     0.31    -232. /
PLOG /  10.000  -2.920E+11     0.72    5000. /
PLOG / 100.000   3.756E+13     0.05      70. /
PLOG / 100.000  -6.803E+13     0.10   10302. /

HCCO+OH<=>CH2O+CO                    	3.000E+13     0.000      0.0  
PLOG /   0.010   3.768E+13    -0.06     156. /
PLOG /   0.010  -2.908E+15    -0.80    5071. /
PLOG /   0.100   3.768E+13    -0.06     156. /
PLOG /   0.100  -2.908E+15    -0.80    5071. /
PLOG /   1.000   3.768E+13    -0.06     156. /
PLOG /   1.000  -2.908E+15    -0.80    5071. /
PLOG /  10.000   2.095E+12     0.03      97. /
PLOG /  10.000  -1.577E+15    -0.72    4883. /
PLOG / 100.000   1.071E+13     0.11      52. /
PLOG / 100.000  -6.440E+17    -1.14    6914. /

HCCO+OH<=>CO+HCOH(T)                    2.871E+12     0.370     -24.  
HCOH(T)+M=HCOH+M						2.000E+13	  0.000      0.0
!HCCO+OH<=>C2O+H2O                    	3.000E+13     0.000      0.0  
HCCO+CH<=>C2H2+CO                    	5.000E+13     0.000      0.0
HCCO+CH2<=>C2H3+CO                   	3.000E+13     0.000      0.0
HCCO+HCCO=>C2H2+CO+CO                	1.000E+13     0.000      0.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
HCCO+O=>H+CO+CO                      	7.038E+13     0.000   -223.4
HCCO+O<=>CH+CO2                      	2.951E+13     0.000   1112.8

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
HCCO+H<=>CH2(S)+CO                   	0.70E+14     0.000      0.0

!																				 !
!              	C2H2 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C2H2+O<=>CH2+CO                      	2.349E+08     1.400   2205.8
C2H2+O<=>HCCO+H                      	9.394E+08     1.400   2205.8

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
!O+C2H2<=>C2H+OH 					 	4.600E+19    -1.400 2.895E+04

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 6045-6055
C2H2+OH<=>C2H+H2O                    	2.632E+06     2.140  17062.1

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 6045-6055
C2H2+OH<=>H+HCCOH                    	2.415E+06     2.000  12714.1
PLOG /   0.010   2.800E+05     2.280  12420.0 /
PLOG /   0.025   7.467E+05     2.160  12549.2 /
PLOG /   0.100   1.776E+06     2.040  12670.4 /
PLOG /   1.000   2.415E+06     2.000  12714.1 /
PLOG /  10.000   3.210E+06     1.970  12811.5 /
PLOG / 100.000   7.347E+06     1.890  13604.4 /

C2H2+OH<=>CH2CO+H                    	7.528E+06     1.550   2106.4
PLOG /   0.010   1.578E+03     2.560   -844.6 /
PLOG /   0.025   1.518E+04     2.280   -292.1 /
PLOG /   0.100   3.017E+05     1.920    598.1 /
PLOG /   1.000   7.528E+06     1.550   2106.4 /
PLOG /  10.000   5.101E+06     1.650   3400.1 /
PLOG / 100.000   1.457E+04     2.450   4477.2 /

C2H2+OH<=>CH3+CO                     	1.277E+09     0.730   2579.4
PLOG /   0.010   4.757E+05     1.680   -329.9 /
PLOG /   0.025   4.372E+06     1.400    226.5 /
PLOG /   0.100   7.648E+07     1.050   1114.8 /
PLOG /   1.000   1.277E+09     0.730   2579.4 /
PLOG /  10.000   4.312E+08     0.920   3735.9 /
PLOG / 100.000   8.250E+05     1.770   4697.7 /

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H2+O2<=>C2H+HO2                    	1.204E+13     0.000  74520.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H2+HO2<=>CH2CO+OH                  	6.022E+09     0.000   7948.8

! Thiesemann, H.; MacNamara, J.; Taatjes, C. A. J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 1881
C2H2+CH=C3H2+H				         	1.00E+14		0.00	0. 

C2H2+CH2=C3H3+H                      	1.20E+13    	0.00   6620.  
!Daniela Polino, Stephen J Klippenstein, Lawrence B Harding, and Yuri Georgievski
! J. Phys. Chem. A, DOI: 10.1021/jp406246y
C2H2+CH2(S)=C3H3+H                   	3.97E+15    	-0.57     -4.85  !

!! from USC Mech II
C2H2+CH3 = pC3H4+H                           4.50E+06     1.86    11600.0  !99DAV/LAW RRKM 0.1 atm 
PLOG /    0.1     4.50E+06     1.86    11600.0/
PLOG /    1.0     2.56E+09     1.10    13644.0/
PLOG /    2.0     2.07E+10     0.85    14415.0/
PLOG /    5.0     2.51E+11     0.56    15453.0/
PLOG /    10.0     1.10E+12     0.39    16200.0/
PLOG /    100.0     2.10E+12     0.37    18100.0/

C2H2+CH3=aC3H4+H                           2.40E+09     0.91    20700.0  !99DAV/LAW RRKM 0.1 atm
PLOG /    0.1     2.40E+09     0.91    20700.0/
PLOG /    1.0     5.14E+09     0.86    22153.0/
PLOG /    2.0     1.33E+10     0.75    22811.0/
PLOG /    5.0     9.20E+10     0.54    23950.0/
PLOG /    10.0    5.10E+11     0.35    25000.0/
PLOG /    100.0   7.30E+12     0.11    28500.0/

C2H2+CH3=tC3H5                           6.80E+20    -4.16    18000.0  !99DAV/LAW RRKM 0.1 atm
PLOG /    0.1     6.80E+20    -4.16    18000.0 /
PLOG /    1.0     4.99E+22    -4.39    18850.0 /
PLOG /    2.0     6.00E+23    -4.60    19571.0/
PLOG /    5.0     7.31E+25    -5.06    21150.0/
PLOG /    10.0    9.30E+27    -5.55    22900.0/
PLOG /    100.0   3.80E+36    -7.58    31300.0/

C2H2+CH3=sC3H5                           1.40E+32    -7.14    10000.0  !99DAV/LAW RRKM 0.1 atm
PLOG /    0.1     1.40E+32    -7.14    10000.0/
PLOG /    1.0     3.20E+35    -7.76    13300.0/
PLOG /    10.0    2.40E+38    -8.21    17100.0/
PLOG /    100.0   1.40E+39    -8.06    20200.0/

C2H2+CH3=aC3H5                             8.20E+53    -13.32   33200.0  !99DAV/LAW RRKM 0.1 atm
PLOG /    0.1     8.20E+53    -13.32   33200.0/
PLOG /    1.0     2.68E+53    -12.82   35730.0/
PLOG /    2.0     3.64E+52    -12.46   36127.0/
PLOG /    5.0     1.04E+51    -11.89   36476.0/
PLOG /    10.0    4.40E+49    -11.40   36700.0/
PLOG /    100.0   3.80E+44     -9.63   37600.0/

! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
! Pilling group said the yield of this channel is close to 1
C2H2+C2H=C4H2+H                      		9.00E+13     0.00        0.  

!C2H2+C2H(+M)=nC4H3(+M)                   	8.300E+10    0.899   -363.00  !92WAN
!LOW   /1.240E+31   -4.718   1871.00  /
!TROE  /1.0 100. 5613. 13387.         /
!H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ C2H2/2.5/ C2H4/2.5/  
!C2H2+C2H(+M)=iC4H3 (+M)                   8.300E+10    0.899    -363.00 !92WAN
!LOW   /1.240E+31   -4.718    1871.00 /
!TROE   /1.0 100. 5613. 13387.        /
!H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ C2H2/2.5/ C2H4/2.5/ 										  

!===========H2CC chemistry=======

! Laskin and Wang, Chemical Physics Letters (1999) Vol. 303, pp. 43-49
! The rate constant is for Argon
! Wang et al., USC-Mech II,  http://ignis.usc.edu/USC_Mech_II.htm, May 2007.
C2H2(+M)<=>H2CC(+M)                  8.000E+14    -0.520  50750.0
LOW / 2.450E+15    -0.640  49700.0 /
H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/ C2H2/2.50/ C2H4/2.50/

! Laskin and Wang, Chemical Physics Letters (1999) Vol. 303, pp. 43-49
! The rate constant is for Argon
! Wang et al., USC-Mech II,  http://ignis.usc.edu/USC_Mech_II.htm, May 2007.
H2CC+O2<=>CH2+CO2                    1.000E+13     0.000      0.0
H2CC+H<=>C2H2+H                      1.000E+14     0.000      0.0
H2CC+OH<=>CH2CO+H                    2.000E+13     0.000      0.0
H2CC+O<=>CH2+CO                      1.000E+14     0.000      0.0

!																				 !
!              			C2H2O mechanism-HPMECH							     	 !
!																				 !

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 5772-
CH2CO+H<=>CH3+CO                     1.500E+09     1.450    2780.0

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
!CH2CO+H<=>HCCO+H2                    5.000E+13     0.000    8000.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH2CO+O<=>CH2+CO2                    1.084E+12     0.000    1351.3
CH2CO+O<=>CH2O+CO                    3.613E+11     0.000    1351.3
CH2CO+O<=>HCO+HCO                    3.613E+11     0.000    1351.3

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
! Baoshan Wang has calculated the PES
CH2CO+OH<=>CH3+CO2                   6.745E+11     0.000   -1013.0
CH2CO+OH<=>CH2OH+CO                  1.012E+12     0.000   -1013.0
CH2CO+OH<=>HCCO+H2O                  7.500E+12     0.000    2000.0

CH2(S)+CH2CO<=>C2H4+CO 				 1.200E+14     0.000      0.0

H+HCCOH<=>H+CH2CO                    6.000E+13     0.000      0.0
OH+HCCOH=H2O+HCCO					 2.000E+13     0.000      0.0
O+HCCOH=HCCO+OH					     8.000E+13     0.000      0.0

!                                                                                !
!              	C2H3 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !

! Miller and Klippenstein, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2004), Vol. 6, pp. 1192-1202
! The Centering factor is not expressed in the standard format. A fitting in the Chemkin format has been applied and is valid between 300 and 1600K.
H+C2H2(+M)=C2H3(+M)             	1.71E+10     	1.266     2709. 
  LOW				       /6.35E+31    	-4.664     3780./
  TROE/ 0.78784  -1.021E4 1.0E-30/
 H2/2.4/ H2O/7.2/ CO/1.80/ CO2/3.6/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/3.6/ O2/1.20/ N2/1.20/ CH4/2.4/ HE/1.0/ 
! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
H+C2H3(+M)=C2H4(+M)                    	6.08E+12     	0.27      280.  
  LOW                                  /1.40E+30    	-3.86     3320./
  TROE /0.782 207.5 2663 6095/                    
  H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/ HE/0.8/  

! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005) 
!Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999, 1, 989-997 recommend 9.0E+13 take the middle 
C2H3+H=H2+C2H2                         6.00E+13     	0.00        0.  

! Harding et al., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2005) Vol. 30, pp. 985
! The rate constant of the abstraction channel is estimated to be 10% of the adition channel
C2H3+O<=>CH2CO+H                     	1.030E+13     0.205    -848.5
C2H3+O<=>OH+C2H2                     	1.030E+12     0.205    -848.5

C2H3+O2=C2H3O2                                    4.07E+27       -4.67    5222.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    1.55E+24       -5.45    9662.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    1.78E-09        4.15    -4707.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1250 K with MAE of 0.4%, 1.2%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    3.48E+56      -15.01    19160.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    2.36E+22       -4.52    2839.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 1350 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.5%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    1.25E+64      -16.97    21290.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    2.00E+26       -5.43    2725.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 1450 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    3.34E+61      -15.79    20150.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    6.13E+28       -5.89    3154.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 1550 K with MAE of 0.2%, 1.1%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    7.34E+53      -13.11    17300.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    2.14E+29       -5.80    3520.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 1650 K with MAE of 0.3%, 1.5%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    4.16E+48      -11.21    16000.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    3.48E+28       -5.37    3636.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 1750 K with MAE of 0.4%, 1.9%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    2.33E+43       -9.38    14810.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    3.32E+27       -4.95    3610.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 1900 K with MAE of 0.6%, 2.5%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    3.41E+39       -8.04    14360.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    1.03E+27       -4.72    3680.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2100 K with MAE of 0.9%, 3.1%

C2H3+O2=CH2CHO+O                                1.60E+12        0.15    4205.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    7.16E+20       -2.67    6742.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    1.24E+10        0.62    -277.6/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.2%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    7.02E+20       -2.67    6713.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    1.29E+10        0.62    -247.7/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.2%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    8.97E+20       -2.70    6724.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    1.51E+10        0.60    -162.5/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.2%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    6.45E+20       -2.65    6489.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    1.84E+10        0.58    38.4/                               ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.2%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    4.09E+20       -2.53    6406.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    8.86E+09        0.67    248.0/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.1%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    1.60E+23       -3.22    8697.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    6.67E+09        0.72    778.1/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.3%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    2.85E+25       -3.77    11530.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    1.43E+09        0.92    1219.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.3%, 0.9%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    9.28E+25       -3.80    13910.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    7.14E+07        1.28    1401.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.7%, 2.3%

C2H3+O2=C2H2+HO2                                   6.49E+06        1.50    5218.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    1.08E+07        1.28    3322.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    4.76E+01        2.75    -796.4/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.0%, 0.1%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    7.75E+06        1.33    3216.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    5.16E+01        2.73    -768.3/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.0%, 0.1%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    1.21E+07        1.27    3311.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    5.55E+01        2.73    -658.5/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.0%, 0.1%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    2.15E+07        1.19    3367.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    4.60E+01        2.76    -492.8/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.0%, 0.1%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    1.13E+08        1.00    3695.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    3.75E+00        3.07    -601.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.2%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    1.31E+11        0.12    5872.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    5.48E+00        3.07    85.7/                               ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.3%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    1.19E+09        0.82    5617.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    4.47E+08       -0.00    955.0/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.8%, 1.7%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    1.06E+17       -1.45    12230.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    2.02E+01        2.94    1847.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.3%, 0.9%

C2H3+O2=OCHCHO+H                                     3.08E+12       -0.26    3277.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    4.79E+14       -1.03    912.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    2.80E-04        4.04    -7019.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    5.03E+14       -1.04    922.5/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    3.45E-04        4.01    -6978.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    6.43E+14       -1.07    982.9/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    9.73E-04        3.89    -6768.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    3.73E+15       -1.29    1441.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    4.98E-01        3.15    -5496.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.1%, 0.6%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    2.44E+18       -2.13    3234.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    1.34E+05        1.67    -2931.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.8%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    1.30E+15       -1.09    2393.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    4.50E+15       -3.08    -4836.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 1.5%, 3.6%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    3.57E+33       -6.50    14910.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    3.84E+10        0.22    941.3/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.6%, 2.1%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    3.28E+31       -5.76    16250.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    2.75E+08        0.83    857.6/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 1.0%, 4.0%

C2H3+O2=CH2O+HCO                                   1.29E+16       -1.13    3791.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    2.77E+36       -7.60    12640.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    5.04E+15       -1.28    515.3/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    2.70E+36       -7.60    12610.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    5.10E+15       -1.28    513.0/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    2.17E+36       -7.57    12490.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    5.34E+15       -1.29    520.6/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    3.03E+35       -7.32    11820.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    6.75E+15       -1.31    645.7/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.7%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    1.59E+36       -7.47    12460.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    1.05E+16       -1.36    1066.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.5%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    5.76E+35       -7.20    13430.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    2.84E+15       -1.18    1429.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.4%, 1.9%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    3.54E+20       -2.57    5578.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    1.14E+69      -19.23    14760.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 1.8%, 3.9%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    3.03E+33       -6.28    16000.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    4.68E+10        0.19    830.6/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 1.8%, 6.8%

C2H3+O2=CH2O+H+CO                                   1.29E+16       -1.13    3791.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    6.47E+36       -7.60    12640.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    1.18E+16       -1.28    515.3/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    6.29E+36       -7.60    12610.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    1.19E+16       -1.28    513.0/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    5.05E+36       -7.57    12490.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    1.25E+16       -1.29    520.6/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.6%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    7.07E+35       -7.32    11820.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    1.58E+16       -1.31    645.7/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.7%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    3.72E+36       -7.47    12460.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    2.44E+16       -1.36    1066.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.2%, 0.5%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    1.34E+36       -7.20    13430.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    6.64E+15       -1.18    1429.0/                             ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 0.4%, 1.9%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    8.26E+20       -2.57    5578.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    2.66E+69      -19.23    14760.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 1.8%, 3.9%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    7.07E+33       -6.28    16000.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    1.09E+11        0.19    830.6/                              ! fit btw. 400 and 2200 K with MAE of 1.8%, 6.8%

C2H3O2=CH2O+HCO                                  1.19E+20       -2.29    30170.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    1.66E+174      -55.52    60320.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    2.27E+35       -7.97    31280.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1250 K with MAE of 1.5%, 4.0%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    9.03E+66      -17.25    48120.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    2.08E+26       -4.96    28780.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1350 K with MAE of 0.4%, 1.1%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    1.82E+43       -9.87    37960.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    1.45E+20       -3.08    26630.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1450 K with MAE of 1.0%, 1.8%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    8.64E+33       -6.88    34370.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    1.06E+130      -39.38    54700.0/                           ! fit btw. 400 and 1550 K with MAE of 1.2%, 3.2%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    7.29E+171      -43.53    191900.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    2.35E+34       -6.87    35700.0/                            ! fit btw. 550 and 1650 K with MAE of 0.9%, 4.4%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    1.03E+32       -6.06    35500.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    2.18E+175      -53.78    68500.0/                           ! fit btw. 450 and 1750 K with MAE of 2.6%, 13.6%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    1.85E+34       -6.57    38510.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    1.07E+185      -54.22    88990.0/                           ! fit btw. 550 and 1900 K with MAE of 2.0%, 5.4%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    5.70E+29       -5.19    36800.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    4.68E+02        1.81    18100.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2100 K with MAE of 4.6%, 10.6%

C2H3O2=CH2O+H+CO                                  1.19E+20       -2.29    30170.0
  PLOG/1.000E-02    3.88E+174      -55.52    60320.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-02    5.29E+35       -7.97    31280.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1250 K with MAE of 1.5%, 4.0%
  PLOG/1.000E-01    2.11E+67      -17.25    48120.0/
  PLOG/1.000E-01    4.85E+26       -4.96    28780.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1350 K with MAE of 0.4%, 1.1%
  PLOG/3.160E-01    4.26E+43       -9.87    37960.0/
  PLOG/3.160E-01    3.37E+20       -3.08    26630.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 1450 K with MAE of 1.0%, 1.8%
  PLOG/1.000E+00    2.02E+34       -6.88    34370.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+00    2.46E+130      -39.38    54700.0/                           ! fit btw. 400 and 1550 K with MAE of 1.2%, 3.2%
  PLOG/3.160E+00    1.70E+172      -43.53    191900.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+00    5.49E+34       -6.87    35700.0/                            ! fit btw. 550 and 1650 K with MAE of 0.9%, 4.4%
  PLOG/1.000E+01    2.40E+32       -6.06    35500.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+01    5.09E+175      -53.78    68500.0/                           ! fit btw. 450 and 1750 K with MAE of 2.6%, 13.6%
  PLOG/3.160E+01    4.32E+34       -6.57    38510.0/
  PLOG/3.160E+01    2.49E+185      -54.22    88990.0/                           ! fit btw. 550 and 1900 K with MAE of 2.0%, 5.4%
  PLOG/1.000E+02    1.33E+30       -5.19    36800.0/
  PLOG/1.000E+02    1.09E+03        1.81    18100.0/                            ! fit btw. 400 and 2100 K with MAE of 4.6%, 10.6%

H+C2H3O2=CH2CHO+OH						6.00E+13	  0.000      0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H3+OH<=>C2H2+H2O                   	3.011E+13     0.000      0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H3+OH<=>CH2CHO+H                   	3.011E+13     0.000      0.0

! Wang et al., USC-Mech II,  http://ignis.usc.edu/USC_Mech_II.htm, May 2007.
C2H3+HO2<=>CH2CHO+OH                 	1.000E+13     0.000      0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H3+CH2O<=>C2H4+HCO                 	5.420E+03     2.810   5862.2

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
!! too fast decrease by a factor of 8
C2H3+HCO<=>C2H4+CO                   	1.033E+13     0.000      0.0

C2H3+CH2=CH3+C2H2		             	2.00E+13		0.00	    0.

! J. Phys. Chem. A 2002, 106, 6952-6966
C2H3+CH3=C2H2+CH4                    	9.00E+12    	0.000     -770. 

!Tsang and Hampson, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 15:1087 (1986)
C2H3+CH3(+M)=C3H6(+M)                	2.50E+13       0.000       0.00 
 LOW  / 4.270E+58  -11.940    9769.80 /
 TROE / 0.175  1340.6 60000.0 10139.8 /
 H2/2/ H2O/6/ CH4/2/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2/ C2H6/3/ AR/0.7/C2H2/3.00/ C2H4/3.00/ HE/0.7/

! There is a paper need read carefully
!C2H3+CH3=aC3H5+H                       1.50E+24   -2.830    18618.0 ! question??
!C2H3+C2H2=C4H4+H						1.32E+12  0.163  	8312.
! Wang et al., USC-Mech II,  http://ignis.usc.edu/USC_Mech_II.htm, May 2007.

C2H3+C2H2=C4H4+H                       7.20E+13     -0.48    6100.   
 PLOG  /0.013     7.20E+13     -0.48    6100./
 PLOG  /0.118     4.60E+16     -1.25    8400./
 PLOG  /1.00      2.00E+18     -1.68   10600. /
 PLOG  /10.00     4.90E+16     -1.13   11800./

C2H3+C2H2=nC4H5                          1.10E+31     -7.14    5600.   
 PLOG  /0.013     1.10E+31     -7.14    5600./
 PLOG  /0.118     2.40E+31     -6.95    5600./
 PLOG  /1.00      9.30E+38     -8.76   12000. /
 PLOG  /10.00     8.10E+37     -8.09   13400./

C2H3+C2H2=iC4H5                          5.00E+34     -8.42    7900.   
 PLOG  /0.013     5.00E+34     -8.42    7900./
 PLOG  /0.118     1.00E+37     -8.77    9800./
 PLOG  /1.00      1.60E+46    -10.98   18600. /
 PLOG  /10.00     5.10E+53    -12.64   28800./

!C2H3+C2H3=C4H6-13                           7.00E+57    -13.82   17629.   
! PLOG  /0.026     7.00E+57    -13.82   17629./
! PLOG  /0.118     1.50E+52    -11.97   16056./
! PLOG  /1.00      1.50E+42     -8.84   12483. /

C2H3+C2H3=iC4H5+H                      1.50E+30     -4.95   12958.   
 PLOG  /0.026     1.50E+30     -4.95   12958. /
 PLOG  /0.118     7.20E+28     -4.49   14273./
 PLOG  /1.00      1.20E+22     -2.44   13654. /

C2H3+C2H3=nC4H5+H                      1.10E+24     -3.28   12395.   
 PLOG  /0.026     1.10E+24     -3.28   12395. /
 PLOG  /0.118     4.60E+24     -3.38   14650./
 PLOG  /1.00      2.40E+20     -2.04   15361. /

C2H3+C2H3=C2H2+C2H4                  1.80E+12    0.00       -800.  ! J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 1278?286
C2H3+C2H3=CH3+C3H3			         3.00E+12	  0.00      -800.
C2H+C2H3=C2H2+C2H2			         2.00E+13	  0.00         0.  !estimated

!																				 !
!              			C2H3O mechanism-HPMECH							     	 !
!																				 !

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 5772-5781
CH2CHO(+M)=H+CH2CO(+M)			1.41E+25       -3.13     50483.
	LOW 			       /9.12E+29       -3.93     43347. /  
 	TROE    /0.585 32.8 1.63E+08 6.99E+04 /
  H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/3.0/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/4.5/ N2/1.5/ O2/1.5/ CH3CHO/4.5/ C2H6/4.5/

CH2CHO(+M)=CH3+CO(+M)			3.45E+18       -1.54     43173.
	LOW 			       /1.87E+25       -2.62     31596. /  
 	TROE    /0.223 10.0 2.68E+03 6.99E+04 /
  H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/3.0/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/4.5/ N2/1.5/ O2/1.5/ CH3CHO/4.5/ C2H6/4.5/

CH3CO(+M)=CH3+CO(+M)			9.24E+14       -0.13     18399.
	LOW 			       /1.64E+19       -1.07     14646. /  
 	TROE    /0.210 10.0 7.96E+06 6.99E+04 /
  H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/3.0/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/4.5/ N2/1.5/ O2/1.5/ CH3CHO/4.5/ C2H6/4.5/ 

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3CO+H<=>CH3+HCO                    9.635E+13     0.000       0.0

! Estimation
CH3CO+O<=>CH2CO+OH                   1.000E+13     0.000       0.0

! Bartels et al.,Symposium  International on Combustion (1991) Vol. 23, pp. 131-138
! Scaled by a factor 2
! Original rate is 1.2E+14 mol.cm^-3.s^-1 at 298 K, but this reaction is radical-radical reaction, the rate will decrease to two thirds at higher temp
CH3CO+O<=>CH3+CO2                    6.000E+13     0.000       0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3CO+OH<=>CH2CO+H2O                 1.204E+13     0.000       0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3CO+OH<=>CH3+CO+OH                 3.011E+13     0.000       0.0

! Estimation
CH3CO+CH2<=>CH2CO+CH3                1.810E+13     0.000       0.0

! Estimation
CH2CHO+H<=>CH3+HCO                   8.000E+13     0.000       0.0
CH2CHO+H<=>CH2CO+H2                  2.000E+13     0.000       0.0

! Estimation
CH2CHO+O<=>CH2O+HCO                  5.000E+13     0.000       0.0

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
CH2CHO+OH<=>H2O+CH2CO                1.200E+13     0.000       0.0
CH2CHO+OH<=>HCO+CH2OH                3.010E+13     0.000       0.0

! Lee et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2003) Vol. 107, pp. 3778-
CH2CHO+O2<=>CH2CO+HO2                1.880E+05     2.370   23728.0
CH2CHO+O2<=>CO+CH2O+OH               2.680E+17    -1.840    6530.0

!																				 !
!              	C2H4 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
C2H4(+M)<=>C2H2+H2(+M)               8.000E+12     0.440  88770.0
LOW / 1.580E+51    -9.310  97800.0 / 
TROE / 0.7345  180.0  1035.0  5417.0 /
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/
AR/0.7/ HE/0.70/  CH3OH/3.0/

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
C2H4+H<=>C2H3+H2                     2.349E+02     3.620  11267.4

! Nguyen, et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2005) Vol. 109, pp. 7489-7499
! The overall rate is 1.018E+08 x T^1.66 x EXP(-657.8/RT).
! The temperature dependent branching ratios of the six channels are given in Table 7 of the paper.
! The present rates are a fit on the temperature dependent rate constants for each channel.
C2H4+O<=>H+CH2CHO                    1.417E+09     1.105    880.1
C2H4+O<=>CH2+CH2O                    9.547E+05     2.121   1233.8
C2H4+O<=>CH3+HCO                     3.696E+08     1.368    875.8
C2H4+O<=>CH3CO+H                     3.134E+04     2.325    384.9
C2H4+O<=>CH2CO+H2                    4.032E+04     2.282    341.4
C2H4+O<=>CH4+CO                      1.275E+05     2.108    449.7

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 6960-6970
C2H4+OH<=>C2H3+H2O                   1.310E-01     4.200   -860.0

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 6960-6970
! Bath gas is N2
C2H4+OH<=>CH3+CH2O                   1.776E+05     1.680   2060.7
PLOG /   0.010     5.348E+00     2.920  -1732.8 / 
PLOG /   0.025     3.186E+01     2.710  -1172.4 /
PLOG /   0.100     5.552E+02     2.360    180.8 / 
PLOG /   1.000     1.776E+05     1.680   2060.7 / 
PLOG /  10.000     2.373E+09     0.560   6007.3 / 
PLOG / 100.000     2.758E+13     0.500  11456.2 /  

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 6960-6970
! Bath gas is N2
C2H4+OH<=>CH3CHO+H                   2.379E-02     3.910   1722.9
PLOG /   0.010     2.373E-07     5.300  -2050.8 /
PLOG /   0.025     8.732E-05     4.570   -618.0 /
PLOG /   0.100     4.029E-01     3.540   1881.9 /
PLOG /   1.000     2.379E-02     3.910   1722.9 /
PLOG /  10.000     8.250E+08     1.010  10508.3 /
PLOG / 100.000     6.805E+09     0.810  13868.7 /

! Senosiain et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006) Vol. 110, pp. 6960-6970
! Bath gas is N2
C2H4+OH<=>CH2CHOH+H                  3.192E+05     2.190   5256.1
PLOG /   0.010     1.036E+04     2.600   4121.5 /
PLOG /   0.025     1.072E+04     2.600   4129.4 /
PLOG /   0.100     1.524E+04     2.560   4238.7 /
PLOG /   1.000     3.192E+05     2.190   5256.1 /
PLOG /  10.000     1.939E+08     1.430   7829.6 /
PLOG / 100.000     8.551E+10     0.750  11492.0 /

! The rate below are the sum of the two non-Arrehnius expression given in the paper
! Actually, CH2CH2OH should not be only the only product, but all the three C2H5O isomers
C2H4+OH<=>CH2CH2OH                   3.765E+36    -7.803   7024.5
PLOG /   0.010     6.105E+43   -10.624   7959.5 /
PLOG /   0.025     3.593E+37    -8.642   5236.9 /
PLOG /   0.100     2.459E+35    -7.786   4979.0 /
PLOG /   1.000     3.765E+36    -7.803   7024.5 /
PLOG /  10.000     1.351E+34    -6.740   7889.2 /
PLOG / 100.000     1.050E+27    -4.391   6253.7 /

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H4+O2<=>C2H3+HO2                   4.215E+13     0.000  57628.8

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
!C2H4+HO2<=>C2H4O1-2+OH               3.794E+12     0.000  17864.9

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H4+HO2<=>CH3CHO+OH                 6.022E+09     0.000   7948.8

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH4+CH<=>H+C2H4                      1.325E+16    -0.940        57.6

! ! Estimated for whole temp range
!! Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 655?64
C2H4+CH=aC3H4+H                      1.70E+14    -0.31        0.  
! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
C2H4+CH2=aC3H5+H                     3.20E+12     0.00     5285.  
C2H4+CH2(S)=aC3H5+H                  4.53E+13     0.00     -556.  
C2H4+CH3=C2H3+CH4                    4.16E+12     0.00    11130.  
!  estimated
C2H4+C2H=C4H4+H                      4.70E+13     0.00     -270.  

!																				 !
!              		C2H4O mechanism-HPMECH							     		 !
!																				 !

! Sivaramakrishnan et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010) Vol. 114, pp. 755-764
! Low presure limit scaled by 1.42 = 1/0.70 (1.144E+59 x 1.42 = 1.634E+59) to set N2 as the bath gas
CH3CHO(+M)<=>CH3+HCO(+M)               2.720E+22    -1.740   86355.0  
LOW / 1.634E+59   -11.300   95912.0 /
TROE / 0.6840  2706.0  399.1 6540.0 /
H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CO/1.0/ CO2/2.0/ AR/0.7/ C2H2/3.0/ O2/2.0/ 

! Sivaramakrishnan et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010) Vol. 114, pp. 755-764
CH3CHO+H<=>CH2CHO+H2                   2.722E+03     3.100    5206.5
CH3CHO+H<=>CH3CO+H2                    1.313E+05     2.580    1220.1

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3CHO+O<=>CH3CO+OH                    5.841E+12     0.000    1808.4

! Estimation (rate is higher than OH+C2H6 at low T, but about 60% OH+C2H6 at high T)
CH3CHO+OH<=>CH3CO+H2O                  6.000E+13     0.000    3000.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3CHO+O2<=>CH3CO+HO2                  1.204E+05     2.500   37558.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3CHO+HO2<=>CH3CO+H2O2                4.095E+04     2.500   10204.0

! Yasunaga et al., International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (2008) Vol. 40, pp. 73-
CH3CHO+HO2<=>CH2CHO+H2O2               3.000E+12     0.000   11923.0

! Estimation
CH3CHO+CH<=>CH2CO+CH3                  6.000E+13     0.000       0.0
CH3CHO+CH<=>C2H4+HCO                   2.000E+13     0.000       0.0

! Bohland et al., Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie (1985) Vol. 89, pp. 1110-1116
CH3CHO+CH2<=>CH2CHO+CH3                1.660E+12     0.000    3517.0

! Baulch et al., Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (2005) Vol. 34, pp. 757-1397
CH3CHO+CH3<=>CH3CO+CH4                 3.493E-08     6.210    1629.5

!! all the rates are from G. Black, H.J. Curran, S. Pichon, J.M. Simmie, V. Zhukov, Combust. Flame 157 (2010) 363-373.
CH2CHOH+OH=CH2CHO+H2O                  3.33E+09 	1.10 	  541.  ! 
CH2CHOH+H=CH2CHO+H2                    9.81E+02     3.37     3537.  ! 
CH2CHOH+H=CH3CHO+H                     2.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! 
CH2CHOH+O=CH2CHO+OH                    1.88E+06 	1.90 	 -860.  ! 
CH2CHOH+HO2=CH2CHO+H2O2 		       3.40E+03 	2.50 	 8922.  !
CH2CHOH+CH3=CH2CHO+CH4 				   2.03E-08     5.90     1052.  !


!C2H4O1-2<=>CH3+HCO                 	   3.630E+13     0.000    57200.0
!C2H4O1-2<=>CH3CHO                      7.407E+12     0.000    53800.0
!C2H4O1-2+OH<=>C2H3O1-2+H2O             1.780E+13     0.000     3610.0
!C2H4O1-2+H<=>C2H3O1-2+H2               8.000E+13     0.000     9680.0
!C2H4O1-2+HO2<=>C2H3O1-2+H2O2           1.130E+13     0.000    30430.0

!C2H3O1-2<=>CH3CO                       8.500E+14     0.000    14000.0
!C2H3O1-2<=>CH2CHO                      1.000E+14     0.000    14000.0

!																				 !
!              		C2H5 mechanism-HPMECH							     		 !
!																				 !

! Miller and Klippenstein,  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2004), Vol. 6,pp. 1192-1202
C2H4+H(+M)=C2H5(+M)                    	1.37E+09		1.46      1355.  ! Miller JA et al., PCCP 6:1192(2004)
	LOW			       /1.026E+39  	-6.642   5769./
	TROE				/-0.569  299. -9147. 152.4/
 H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CO/1.40/ CO2/2.0/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/3.0/ O2/1.20/ N2/1.20/ CH4/2.0/ HE/1.0/ C2H6/3.0/

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H5+H<=>C2H4+H2                       4.000E+13     0.000        0.0

! Hack et al., Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2002) Vol. 29, pp. 1247-1255
! The recommended overall rate is 1.04 x 10^14 cm^3.mol^-1.s^-1
! The branching ratio is somehow uncertain
C2H5+O<=>CH3+CH2O                      3.200E+13     0.000        0.0
C2H5+O<=>H+CH3CHO                      4.400E+13     0.000        0.0
C2H5+O<=>OH+C2H4                       2.400E+13     0.000        0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H5+OH<=>C2H4+H2O                     2.409E+13     0.000        0.0

! Estimation
C2H5+OH<=>CH3+CH2OH                    3.000E+13     0.000        0.0

! Miller et al.,  Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2000) Vol. 28, pp. 1479-1486
C2H5+O2<=>C2H4+HO2                     1.921E+07     1.020    -2035.0

! Estimation
! Similar to CH3+HO2<=>CH3O+OH
!C2H5+HO2<=>C2H5O+OH                    1.000E+13     0.000        0.0 

!  Dobis et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115:8798(1993)
C2H5+HO2<=>C2H4+H2O2                   2.010E+12     0.000        0.0 

!  estimated
C2H5+CH=H+aC3H5                        5.00E+13     0.00        0.  

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H5+CH2<=>C2H4+CH3                    1.810E+13     0.000        0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H5+CH2(S)<=>C2H4+CH3                 9.000E+12     0.000        0.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
CH3+C2H5<=>CH4+C2H4                    6.000E+12     0.000        0.0

! Estimation
!C2H5+CH2OH<=>C2H4+CH3OH                1.000E+13     0.000        0.0
!C2H5+CH2OH<=>C2H6+CH2O                 1.000E+13     0.000        0.0
!C2H5+CH3O<=>C2H6+CH2O                  1.000E+13     0.000        0.0
!C2H5+C2H=C2H2+C2H4                     1.00E+13      0.00        0.  
!C2H5+C2H=C3H3+CH3                      2.00E+13      0.00        0.  
!C2H5+C2H3=aC3H5+CH3                    3.00E+13      0.00        0.  
!C2H5+C2H3<=>C2H4+C2H4                  1.000E+13     0.000        0.0

!																				 !
!              				C2H5O mechanism-HPMECH							  	 !
!																				 !

! Xu et al. ChemPhysChem (2009) Vol. 10, pp. 972-982
! The rate constants proposed in the paer have strange activation energies.
! The present Troe fitting is a fit on the PLOG format between 0.5 and 100 atm.
! The low pressure limit has been scaled by 1.42 to set N2 as the bath gas: 1.42 x 7.307E-22 = 1.038E-21
!C2H5O(+M)<=>CH3+CH2O(+M)     1.533E+07    -1.121    21612.4
!LOW / 1.038E-21    10.618    -9021.5 /
!TROE / 0.531  39.8  812.0  7378.3 /
!AR/0.70/ HE/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/
!CH3OH/3.0/ C2H5OH /3.00/ 

! Xu et al. ChemPhysChem (2009) Vol. 10, pp. 972-982
! The rate constants proposed in the paer have strange activation energies.
! The present Troe fitting is a fit on the PLOG format between 0.01 and 100 atm.
! The low pressure limit has been scaled by 1.42 to set N2 as the bath gas: 1.42 x 4.428E-23 = 1.038E-21
!C2H5O(+M)<=>CH3CHO+H(+M)     2.074E+13    -0.306    19098.8
!LOW / 6.288E-23    11.057    -8127.0 /
!TROE / 0.7550  16.7  535.4  7178.6 /
!AR/0.70/ HE/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/
!CH3OH/3.0/ C2H5OH /3.00/ 

!C2H5O+H=CH3+CH2OH      		3.00E+13     	0.00        0.  
!C2H5O+H=C2H4+H2O       		3.00E+13     	0.00        0.  
!C2H5O+H=CH3CHO+H2       		3.00E+13     	0.00        0.  
!C2H5O+OH=CH3CHO+H2O    		2.00E+13     	0.00        0.  

! Xu et al. ChemPhysChem (2009) Vol. 10, pp. 972-982
! The rate constants proposed in the paer have strange activation energies.
! The present Troe fitting is a fit on the PLOG format between 0.5 and 100 atm.
! The low pressure limit has been scaled by 1.42 to set N2 as the bath gas: 1.42 x 1.380E+15 = 1.038E-21
!CH3CHOH(+M)<=>CH3CHO+H(+M)           2.765E-07     5.729    22669.9
!LOW / 1.960E+15     0.156    25152.5 /
!TROE / 0.105  707.7  784.1  17757.0 /
!AR/0.70/ HE/0.70/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CH4/2.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ C2H6/3.00/
!CH3OH/3.0/ C2H5OH /3.00/ 
!CH3CHOH+O2=CH3CHO+HO2    		1.00E+13     	0.00        0.  ! Judit Zador et al., Proc Combust Inst 32(2009)271-277
!! good when T>600K
!CH3CHOH+O=CH3CHO+OH      		0.60E+14     	0.00        0.  ! estimated
!CH3CHOH+H=C2H4+H2O       		3.00E+13     	0.00        0.  ! estimated
!CH3CHOH+H=CH3+CH2OH      		3.00E+13     	0.00        0.  ! estimated
!CH3CHOH+H=CH3CHO+H2     		3.00E+13     	0.00        0.  ! estimated
!CH3CHOH+OH=CH3CHO+H2O    		1.00E+13     	0.00        0.  ! estimated
!CH3CHOH+HO2=CH3CHO+H2O2 		5.00E+12     	0.00        0.  ! estimated

!CH2CHOH+H=CH2CH2OH        		6.02E+36    	-8.14     8043.
!PLOG /0.01      5.90E+40      -10.43      4832./
!PLOG /0.025     6.02E+36       -9.76      1995./
!PLOG /0.1 		6.02E+36       -9.65      2362./
!PLOG /1 		6.02E+36       -8.14      8043./
!PLOG /10 		6.02E+36       -7.77     10735./
!PLOG /100       6.02E+36       -7.44     14269./
!make it 10% of C2H4+OH channel. MC calculations showed it! 
CH2CH2OH+O=CH2O+CH2OH			8.00E+13	0.00	 0.00
H+CH2CH2OH=CH3+CH2OH			9.00E+13	0.00	 0.00
H+CH2CH2OH=C2H4+H2O				3.00E+13	0.00	 0.00
CH2CH2OH+OH=H2O+CH2CHOH			3.00E+13	0.00	 0.00
CH2CH2OH+O2=CH2CHOH+HO2     	1.00E+12     0.00    -1100.  ! Judit Zador et al., Proc Combust Inst 32(2009)271-277

!CH3OCH2(+M)=CH3+CH2O(+M)		4.87E+12     	0.39     26909.7  
!	LOW				/1.51E+26   -3.01   23785.4/
!	TROE 				/-4.168 465.72 379.87 4303.4/      
! H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/4.5/ AR/1.0/ C2H2/4.0/ O2/1.5/ N2/1.5/ CH3OCH3/6.0/ HE/1.2/
! my calculation
!CH3+CH2O=CH3CHO+H			3.00E+13	0.00	11400. ! Estimate
!CH3OCH2+H=CH3+CH3O			1.20E+14     	0.00      0.00  ! estimate
!CH3OCH2+H=CH4+CH2O			1.20E+14     	0.00      0.00  ! estimate
!CH3OCH2+OH=CH2OH+CH3O			3.00E+13     	0.00      0.00  ! estimate
!CH3OCH2+HO2=H2O+CH2O+CH2O		1.00E+13	0.00	  0.00
!CH3OCH2+O=CH3OCHO+H			1.88E+15    	-0.47    -60.0   ! WANG BAOSHAN Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 3980?988
! Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 295?03
!CH3OCH2+O2=CH2O+CH2O+OH			9.33E+10     	0.00    -1127.   
!there is a new paper by Pilling in 2010 showing OH channel at higher pressure is small
! indicating the TS are comparable with reactant
! so the PES in the reference may not be right.  
!CH3OCH2+O2=HCO+CH2O+H2O			6.67E+10     	0.00       773.  

!																				 !
!              				C2H6 mechanism-HPMECH					   			 !
!																				 !

! GRI-Mech 3.0 http://www.me.berkeley.edu/gri_mech/
C2H5+H(+M)<=>C2H6(+M)        5.210E+17    -0.990      1580.0
                       LOW / 1.990E+41    -7.080      6685.0 / 
TROE / 0.8422  125.0  2219.0  6882.0 / 
AR/0.7/ H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ CH3OH/3.0/ 

! Bryukov et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2001) Vol. 105, pp. 6900-6909
C2H6+H<=>C2H5+H2             2.680E+07     1.980      6325.2

! Huynh et al., Combustion and Flame (2008) Vol. 152, pp. 177-185
C2H6+O<=>C2H5+OH             3.168E+01     3.800      3131.8

! Krasnoperov And Michael, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2004) Vol. 108, pp. 5643-5648
C2H6+OH<=>C2H5+H2O           1.614E+06     2.224       741.2

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H6+O2<=>C2H5+HO2           4.040E+13     0.000     50875.0

! Carstensen and Dean, Proceeding of the Combustion Institute (2005) Vol. 30, pp. 995-1003
C2H6+HO2<=>C2H5+H2O2         2.610E+01     3.370     15900.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H6+HCO<=>CH2O+C2H5         4.700E+04     2.720    18235.0

! Activation energy: Berman and Lin, Chemical Physics (1983), Vol. 82, pp. 435-42
! Preexponentil factor: Galland et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2003) Vol. 107, pp. 5419-5426
C2H6+CH<=>C2H4+CH3           6.185E+13     0.000      -262.3

! Davidson et al., Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 1995, 27 (12), 1179-1196.
CH2(S)+C2H6<=>CH3+C2H5       4.000E+13     0.000      -550.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H6+CH3<=>C2H5+CH4          5.506E-01     4.000      8287.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H6+CH2OH<=>CH3OH+C2H5      1.990E+02     3.000    13976.0

! Ceursters, et al Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2001, 3, 3070-3074  
C2H6+C2H<=>C2H2+C2H5         7.200E+11     0.540     -358.0

! Tsang and Hampson, Journal of Physical Chemical Reference Data (1986) Vol. 15, pp. 1087
C2H6+C2H3<=>C2H4+C2H5        6.010E+02     3.300    10502.0

!																				 !
!              	C2H6O mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !

! Sivaramakrishnan ET AL.,J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 9425?9439
!C2H5OH=C2H4+H2O                        3.41E+59 -14.22     83672.  
!PLOG /0.01      2.62E+57 -13.29     85262./
!PLOG /0.10      1.65E+52 -11.52     84745./
!PLOG /1.00      5.23E+43  -8.90     81507./
!PLOG /10.0      4.59E+32  -5.60     76062./
!PLOG /10.0      3.84E+20  -2.06     69466./

!C2H5OH=CH3+CH2OH                       1.20E+54 -12.94    100006.  
!PLOG /0.01       5.18E+59 -13.98     99906./
!PLOG /0.10      1.62E+66 -15.30    105390./
!PLOG /1.00      5.55E+64 -14.47    107099./
!PLOG /10.0      1.55E+58 -12.29    105768./
!PLOG /10.0      1.78E+47  -8.96    101058./

!C2H5OH=C2H5+OH                         8.10E+46 -11.33    111053.  
!PLOG /0.01      1.82E+56 -13.49    107028./
!PLOG /0.10      4.65E+63 -14.99    109623./
!PLOG /1.00      1.46E+65 -14.89    112344./
!PLOG /10.0      2.79E+61 -13.40    113080./
!PLOG /10.0      6.17E+51 -10.34    109040./
!C2H5OH+H=CH3CHOH+H2                    8.80e+04     2.68     2914.  
!C2H5OH+H=CH2CH2OH+H2                    5.30e+04     2.81     7442.  
!C2H5OH+H=CH3CH2O+H2                    9.42e+02     3.14     9407.  
!C2H5OH+OH=CH3CHOH+H2O				   7.20E+05     2.54    -1534.  
!C2H5OH+OH=CH2CH2OH+H2O				   5.70E+00     3.38    -2394.  
!C2H5OH+OH=CH3CH2O+H2O				   5.80E-03     4.28    -3561.  

! Wu et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 6693-6703
!C2H5OH+O=CH3CHOH+OH                    1.44E+05     2.47      876.  
!C2H5OH+O=CH2CH2OH+OH                   9.60E+02     3.23     4657.  
!C2H5OH+O=CH3CH2O+OH                    1.44E-03     4.73     1727.  
!! could also produce H+CH2CHCH2OH
!!! Xu et al., J. Chem. Phys.120(2004) 6593
!C2H5OH+CH3=CH3CHOH+CH4                 1.98E+01     3.37     7634.  
!C2H5OH+CH3=CH2CH2OH+CH4                2.03E+00     3.57     7721.  
!C2H5OH+CH3=CH3CH2O+CH4                 3.30E+02     3.30    12290. 
 ! Raghu Sivaramakrishnan et al., Combustion and Flame 158 (2011) 618-632
!CH3OCH3(+M)=CH3O+CH3(+M)               	2.33E+19    	-0.66    84139.  
!    Low                                /1.72E+59   	-11.40    93295.6/
!    Troe   /1.0   1.0E-30   880./
!    H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CH4/3.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/3.0/ C2H6/4.5/ AR/1.0/ N2/1.50/ CH3OCH3/5.0/ HE/1.20/

!CH3OCH3+H=H2+CH3OCH2                  	3.94E+00      	4.13     1780. 
! make it 30% smaller
!CH3OCH3+H=H2+CH3OCH2                  	3.00E+00      	4.13     1780. 
! K. TAKAHASHI, O. YAMAMOTO, T. INOMATA, M. KOGOMA  Int J Chem Kinet 39: 97?08, 2007
!CH3OCH3+O=CH3OCH2+OH			2.69E+07      	2.00     2629. 
! Cook et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 9974
!CH3OCH3+OH=H2O+CH3OCH2                	6.32E+06      	2.00     -652. 
!CH3OCH3+HO2=CH3OCH2+H2O2                1.02E+02      	3.48    17424.
! estimate from J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 7047?054
!CH3OCH3+O2=CH3OCH2+HO2                  4.10E+13      	0.00  4.491E+04
! Tranter Patrick and Yang 
!CH3OCH3+CH3=CH4+CH3OCH2   		6.22E+00      	3.78     9631. 
! 30% uncertainty from 10 to 6.22
!																				 !
!              	C3H2 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !
!!HC=C=CH is in triplet state, and the most stable isomer is cyclic(singlet), the difference is about 10 kcal/mol
!! now the question is how it is generated in combustion environments, 
!!for CH+C2H2, the main product channel is triplet HC=C=CH, but for C3H3+O, the main products channel is very complicated
!! thermo is also a huge problem for C3H2 in Burcat's thermo!!
C3H2+O=C2H2+CO                         6.02E+13     0.00        0.  ! Warnatz J. Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 87 (1983) 1008.
!! looks alright, C3H2 is a resonant stablized radical. the association should be very fast
!! The product is no doubt C2H2+CO. The TS to it is around 70 kcal/mol 
!! the simple bond-fission barrier is just too high
C3H2+OH=C2H2+HCO                       6.80E+13    0.00        0.  ! Warnatz J. Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 87 (1983) 1008.
!!The products may be alittle tricky. the first etep is HCCCHOH, then decompose??

C3H2+H(+M)=C3H3(+M)        3.41E+14    0.00   291.95
LOW/2.47E+31   -3.92  4411.25/
Troe/0.419  3165.06   177.35   204926.14/
H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CO/2.30/ CO2/4.0/ AR/1.0/ CH4/3.0/ C2H6/4.0/ N2/1.50/ HE/1.0/ CH3OH/6.0/ O2/1.5/

C3H2+O2=HCO+HCCO                       1.00E+13     0.00     1000.  ! Miller, J.A. et al Prog. Energy Combust. Sci., 1989, v. 15, pp. 287-338.

C3H2+CH=C4H2+H                         1.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! estimated!
C3H2+CH2=iC4H3+H                       5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Wang H., and Frenklach M. Combust. Flame 110 (1997) 173
C3H2+CH2(S)=iC4H3+H                    5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
!! ADDITION-ELIMINATION iC4H3 is more stable 
C3H2+CH3=C4H4+H                        1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
!! assuming no entrance barrier 
!C3H2+C2H=C5H2+H                        1.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! estimated
C3H2+HCCO=nC4H3+CO                     1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Wang H., and Frenklach M. Combust. Flame 110 (1997) 173
!C3H2+C2H2=HCCCHCCH+H                   5.00E+12     0.00     5000.  ! estimated
!! I have no idea about this reaction. Jim Miller's est.
!! similar to Ch2 system
C3H2SING+M=C3H2+M		       			1.00E+13	    0.00   0.00
H2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/ CH4/3.0/ CO/2.25/ CO2/3.0/ C2H6/4.5/ AR/1.0/ N2/1.50/ HE/1.20/
c-C3H2+O=C2H+HCO                       1.00E+13     0.00    12000.  ! estimated
!! complete C3H2 chemistry
!																				 !
!              	C3H3 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !

C3H3+O=CH2O+C2H                      1.20E+14     0.00        0.  ! Slagle et al., Symp. Int. Combust. Proc. 23:115(1991) 

C3H3+H=C3H2+H2   2.14E5    2.52    7453.    ! abstraction
C3H3+H=C3H2SING+H2              2.9512E+09    1.28     13474.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   2.9512E+09    1.28     13474./
 PLOG  /1.        1.0965E+10   1.13     13929./
 PLOG  /10.       3.3113E+13   0.195    17579./
!C3H3+H=H2CCC+H2             2.6915E+09   1.05     5371.  !bpick jul03
! PLOG  /0.03947   2.6915E+09   1.05     5371./
! PLOG  /1.        2.8840E+13   -.03     9448./
! PLOG  /10.       1.0000E+18   -1.23    15111./
C3H3+H=c-C3H2+H2                1.0715E+07   1.37     15557.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   1.0715E+07   1.37     15557./
 PLOG  /1.        1.3490E+07   1.34     15560./
 PLOG  /10.       7.2444E+09   0.606    18356./
aC3H4=pC3H4                       6.0256E+53   -12.18   84276.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   6.0256E+53   -12.18   84276./
 PLOG  /1.        7.7625E+39   -7.80    78446./
 PLOG  /10.       4.7863E+48   -10.0    88685./
c-C3H4=pC3H4                      2.5119E+50   -11.82   50914.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   2.5119E+50   -11.82   50914./
 PLOG  /1.        1.2303E+37   -7.51    45551./
 PLOG  /10.       1.6596E+37   -7.24    48013./
c-C3H4=aC3H4                       9.7724E+43   -9.97    56007.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   9.7724E+43   -9.97    56007./
 PLOG  /1.        2.5119E+26   -4.56    43922./
 PLOG  /10.       5.0119E+35   -6.87    51298./
C3H3+H=pC3H4                   3.6308E+36   -7.36    6039.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   3.6308E+36   -7.36    6039./
 PLOG  /1.        7.943E+29    -5.06    4861./
 PLOG  /10.       1.072E24     -3.15    3261./
C3H3+H=aC3H4                    3.3884E+36   -7.41    6337.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   3.3884E+36   -7.41    6337./
 PLOG  /1.        3.1623E+29   -5.      4711./
 PLOG  /10.       8.7096E+23   -3.20    3255./
C3H3+H=c-C3H4                   8.9125E+112  -28.26   83611.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   8.9125E+112  -28.26   83611./
 PLOG  /1.        1.0715E+21   -2.95    2687./
 PLOG  /10.       3.2359E+18   -2.05    2053./

C3H3+OH=C3H2+H2O                       2.00E+13     0.00     8000.  ! JAM 2007  
C3H3+OH=CH2O+C2H2                      2.00E+12     0.00        0.  ! JAM 2007
C3H3+OH=C2H3+HCO                       5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! JAM 2007
C3H3+OH=C2H4+CO                        3.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! JAM 2007
!! The reaction mechanism should be complicated, not a single abtraction     
!! use Jim Miller's rate for now. will consider these later Sep 27 2011
C3H3+O2=CH2CO+HCO                      1.70E+05     1.70     1500.  ! Hahn et al, Faraday Discuss., 119:79-100(2001)
C3H3+HCO=aC3H4+CO                      1.50E+13     0.00        0.  ! USC-Mech II
C3H3+HCO=pC3H4+CO                      1.50E+13     0.00        0.  ! USC-Mech II
C3H3+CH=iC4H3+H                        5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! USC-Mech II
C3H3+CH2=C4H4+H                        5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! USC-Mech II
!! these two are reasonable,maybe even faster
!! In Miller's mechanism C3H3+CH3 produces iC4H5+H. But it is very unlikely at low temp. for heat of reaction calculation
!! CH3 35.1 C3H3~79, C4H5~75 H 52.0 so the reaction is very endothermic 
!C3H3+CH3(+M)=C4H6-12(+M)               1.50E+12     0.00       0.  ! USC-Mech II
!  LOW                                /2.60E+57    -11.94   9770./
!  TROE /0.175 1341 60000 9770/                    
!  H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/   
C3H3+HCCO=C4H4+CO                      2.50E+13     0.00        0.  ! USC-Mech II
!C3H3+C2H=HCCCHCCH+H                    3.00E+13     0.00        0.  !JAM&SJK
!C3H3+C2H=H2CCCCCH+H                    1.00E+13     0.00        0.  !JAM&SJK
!! the rates should be even higher

!C3H3+C2H2=C5H5                         6.17E+55   -15.70    47755.  ! MOSKALEVA et al., J. Comput. Chem. 21:415 (2000)
!PLOG/0.13	6.17E+66   -15.70    47755./
!PLOG/1.00	6.87E+55   -12.50    42021./
!PLOG/10.00	1.13E+43   -8.80     42021./

C3H3+C3H3=C4H5C2H           1.3177E+77   -19.00   33332.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   1.3177E+77   -19.00   33332./
 PLOG  /1.        4.8957E+60   -14.02   25733./
 PLOG  /10.       1.4785E+55   -12.30   23622./
C3H3+C3H3=FC6H6           6.3069E+76   -19.07   31542.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   6.3069E+76   -19.07   31542./
 PLOG  /1.        1.3798E+66   -15.66   28260./
 PLOG  /10.       1.2584E+56   -12.61   23515./
C3H3+C3H3=C6H6              1.8189E+74   -18.14   31896.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   1.8189E+74   -18.14   31896./
 PLOG  /1.        3.1609E+55   -12.55   22264./
 PLOG  /10.       3.8888E+50   -11.01   20320./
C3H3+C3H3=C6H5+H            1.0467E+54   -11.88   28757.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   1.0467E+54   -11.88   28757./
 PLOG  /1.        1.6975E+48   -9.977   36755./
 PLOG  /10.       3.6712E+26   -3.879   28963./
C4H5C2H=FC6H6                 5.7544E+76   -18.67   95531.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   5.7544E+76   -18.67   95531./
 PLOG  /1.        2.3442E+56   -12.55   86405./
 PLOG  /10.       4.8978E+26   -4.144   65424./
C4H5C2H=C6H6                    6.7608E+98   -24.58   122310.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   6.7608E+98   -24.58   122310./
 PLOG  /1.        1.6218E+53   -11.34   100210./
 PLOG  /10.       2.8184E+51   -10.68   106950./
C4H5C2H=C6H5+H                  2.6915E+84   -20.14   121900.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   2.6915E+84   -20.14   121900./
 PLOG  /1.        4.1687E+77   -17.68   133520./
 PLOG  /10.       3.0903E+43   -7.928   118650./
FC6H6=C6H6                    5.6234E+81   -19.36   121500.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   5.6234E+81   -19.36   121500./
 PLOG  /1.        1.4454E+45   -8.900   96999./
 PLOG  /10.       2.9512E+31   -4.970   88465./
FC6H6=C6H5+H                  2.5704E+97   -23.16   153470.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   2.5704E+97   -23.16   153470./
 PLOG  /1.        2.2387E+68   -14.65   142570./
 PLOG  /10.       8.5114E+24   -2.505   113330./
C6H6=C6H5+H                     1.3490E+108  -25.81   181750.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.03947   1.3490E+108  -25.81   181750./
 PLOG  /1.        6.3096E+60   -12.40   148070./
 PLOG  /10.       5.4954E+38   -6.178   132000./
!! C3H3 self reactions are from Jim Miller's mechanism. Should be the most reliable source for now.
!! the collision efficiency of different partners can't simply apply for this system.

!																				 !
!              	C3H4 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !

pC3H4+H=sC3H5     1.0E+25   -5.00   1800.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     1.0E+25   -5.00   1800./
 PLOG  /1.      5.5E+28   -5.74   4300./
 PLOG  /10.     1.0E+34   -6.88   8900./
 PLOG  /100.    9.7E+37   -7.63   13800./
 PLOG  /1.0E+5  3.2E+09   1.43    4700./
pC3H4+H=aC3H4+H      2.3E+15   -0.26   7600.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     2.3E+15   -0.26   7600./
 PLOG  /1.      6.3E+17   -0.91   10100./
 PLOG  /10.     3.1E+22   -2.18   14800./
 PLOG  /100.    6.4E+27   -3.58   21200./
pC3H4+H=tC3H5     4.6E+44   -10.21  10200.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     4.6E+44   -10.21  10200./
 PLOG  /1.      1.7E+47   -10.58  13700./
 PLOG  /10.     7.0E+47   -10.40  16600./
 PLOG  /100.    3.2E+44   -9.11   17400./
 PLOG  /1.0E+5  1.7E+11   0.97    2800./
pC3H4+H=aC3H5    1.1E+60   -14.56  28100.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     1.1E+60   -14.56  28100./
 PLOG  /1.      4.9E+60   -14.37  31600./
 PLOG  /10.     2.2E+59   -13.61  34900./
 PLOG  /100.    1.6E+55   -12.07  37500./
aC3H4+H=sC3H5      1.1E+30   -6.52   15200.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     1.1E+30   -6.52   15200./
 PLOG  /1.      5.4E+29   -6.09   16300./
 PLOG  /10.     2.6E+31   -6.23   18700./
 PLOG  /100.    3.2E+31   -5.88   21500./
aC3H4+H=tC3H5      9.2E+38   -8.65   7000.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     9.2E+38   -8.65   7000./
 PLOG  /1.      9.5E+42   -9.43   11200./
 PLOG  /10.     1.5E+45   -9.69   15100./
 PLOG  /100.    1.8E+43   -8.78   16800./
 PLOG  /1.0E+5  4.4E+09   1.45    2400./
aC3H4+H=aC3H5     9.6E+61   -14.67  26000.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     9.6E+61   -14.67  26000./
 PLOG  /1.      1.5E+59   -13.54  26900./
 PLOG  /10.     2.4E+52   -11.30  25400./
 PLOG  /100.    6.9E+41   -8.06   21300./
 PLOG  /1.0E+5  4.6E+09   1.44    4800./
aC3H5=sC3H5    1.3E+55   -14.53  73800.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     1.3E+55   -14.53  73800./
 PLOG  /1.      5.0E+51   -13.02  73300./
 PLOG  /10.     9.7E+48   -11.73  73700./
 PLOG  /100.    1.1E+44   -9.84   73400./
aC3H5=tC3H5    3.9E+59   -15.42  75400.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     3.9E+59   -15.42  75400./
 PLOG  /1.      7.1E+56   -14.08  75900./
 PLOG  /10.     6.4E+51   -12.12  75700./
 PLOG  /100.    2.8E+43   -9.27   74000./
tC3H5=sC3H5     1.6E+44   -12.16  52200.  !bpick jul03
 PLOG  /0.1     1.6E+44   -12.16  52200./
 PLOG  /1.      1.5E+48   -12.71  53900./
 PLOG  /10.     5.1E+52   -13.37  57200./
 PLOG  /100.    5.8E+51   -12.43  59200./

aC3H4+O=C2H4+CO                            2.00E+07    1.8     1000.0    !98DAV/LAW
aC3H4+H=C3H3+H2                              6.604E+03  3.095     5522. !JAM, SJK et al (2007)
aC3H4+OH=C3H3+H2O                    2.00E+07    2.0       5000.  !JAM
aC3H4+OH=CH2O+C2H3                  1.00E+12    0.0      -198.7  ! JAM/Liu(1988)/Butler(07)
aC3H4+OH=CH2CO+CH3                  3.04E+12    0.0      -198.7  ! 
! Liu, A.; Mulac, W. A.; Jonah, C. D. J. Phys. Chem. 1988, 92,131-134.
aC3H4+CH3=C3H3+CH4                      1.30E+12   0.00     7700.0    !87WU/KER 
!aC3H4+CH3 = iC4H7                      2.00E+11   0.00     7500.0    ! PW P    
aC3H4+C2H=C2H2+C3H3                     1.00E+13    0.0        0.0    !97WAN/FRE
aC3H4+CH2=iC4H5+H                       2.00E+13   0.0      4000.  ! JAM&SJK
aC3H4+CH2(S)=iC4H5+H                    2.00E+13   0.0     0.0   ! JAM&SJK

 pC3H4+H=C3H3+H2                        3.57E+04   2.825     4821.   !JAM,SJK,et al 2007 
 pC3H4+O=HCCO+CH3                       7.30E+12     0.00     2250.  ! Adusei et al. J Phys Chem 100:16921(1996)
 pC3H4+O=C2H4+CO                        1.00E+13     0.00     2250.  ! Adusei et al. J Phys Chem 100:16921(1996)
 pC3H4+O=C3H3+OH                        3.44E+04     2.16     4830.  ! Adusei et al. J Phys Chem 100:16921(1996)
 pC3H4+OH=C3H3+H2O                      2.00E+07     2.00     5000.  ! JAM
 pC3H4+OH=HCCO+CH4                      5.00E+12     0.00     5000.  ! JAM
! pC3H4+OH=C2H4+HCO                      5.00E+12     0.00     5000.  ! JAM
 pC3H4+CH=C4H4+H                       1.20E+14     0.00        0.  ! ESTIMATED
!!Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 655?664  iC4H4   CH2CHCCH
 pC3H4+CH2=iC4H5+H                      2.00E+13     0.00     4000.  ! JAM&SJK
 pC3H4+CH2(S)=iC4H5+H                     1.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! PRODUCTS ESTIMATED, SHOULD BE RIGHT
!!Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie
!! Volume 94, Issue 6, pages 645?650, Juni 1990
 pC3H4+CH3=C3H3+CH4                     1.80E+12     0.00     7700.  ! USC-Mech II

!																				 !
!              	C3H5 mechanism-HPMECH							     			 !
!																				 !
! S-C3H5===CH3CHCH
! T-C3H5===CH3CCH2
! A-C3H5===CH2CHCH2

aC3H5+H(+M)=C3H6(+M)                   2.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
  LOW                                 /1.33E+60   -12.00     5967.8/
  TROE /0.02 1097 10967 6860/                    
  H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/ C2H6/3.0/ AR/0.7/  
!! high pressure limit was confirmed by Larry's calculation  
aC3H5+H=aC3H4+H2                       1.80E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
!! H+C3H5 should be very fast, mainly forming CH3+C2H3, included in reverse reaction
aC3H5+O=C2H3CHO+H                      6.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Slagle et al., J. Phys. Chem. 1990, 94. 3652-3656
aC3H5+O=>C2H4+H+CO                      6.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Hoyermann et al Proc Combust Inst. 32 (2009) 157?164
aC3H5+OH=>C2H3CHO+H+H                       5.30E+37  -6.71    29306.0    !91TSA RRKM 0.1 atm
PLOG /    0.1     5.30E+37  -6.71    29306.0/
PLOG /    1.0     4.20E+32  -5.16    30126.0/
PLOG /    10.0    1.60E+20  -1.56    26330.0/
aC3H5+OH=aC3H4+H2O                     2.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
! a bit slow, but still OK

aC3H5+O2=aC3H4+HO2                     2.06E+04	    2.19    17590.  ! Lee et al., Proc Combust Inst 30:1015(2005) 
aC3H5+O2=>C2H2+CH2O+OH                  9.71E+20	   -2.70    24980.  ! Lee et al., Proc Combust Inst 30:1015(2005) 
aC3H5+O2=CH2O+CH2CHO                   3.08E+09	    0.37    16910.  ! Lee et al., Proc Combust Inst 30:1015(2005) 
aC3H5+O2=C2H3CHO+OH                    3.36E+05	    1.81    19190.  ! Lee et al., Proc Combust Inst 30:1015(2005) 
aC3H5+HO2=>C2H3CHO+OH+H                 1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
!! makes more sense
!aC3H5+CH2=C4H6-13+H                    3.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
!aC3H5+CH2(S)=C4H6-13+H                 1.00E+14    -0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
aC3H5+CH3=aC3H4+CH4                    3.00E+12    -0.32     -131.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)

aC3H5+HCO=C3H6+CO                      6.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
aC3H5+C2H=C2H3+C3H3                    4.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
!aC3H5+C2H2=C5H6+H                      4.00E+14     0.00    24889.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
aC3H5+C2H3=aC3H4+C2H4                  2.40E+12     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
aC3H5+C2H3=C3H6+C2H2                   4.80E+12     0.00        0.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
aC3H5+C3H2=C6H6+H                   2.00E+13     0.00        0.0 ! JAM&SJK 2004
aC3H5+C3H3=>FC6H6+H+H                 3.26E+29    -5.10     3390.  ! JAM, YG, et al 2007 PCCP paper
aC3H5+aC3H5=aC3H4+C3H6                 8.43E+10     0.00     -262.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
sC3H5+H=aC3H4+H2                       3.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated 
sC3H5+H=pC3H4+H2                       3.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated 
!!CH bond are weak, similar to C2H3
sC3H5+H=aC3H5+H                        1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
sC3H5+O=CH2CO+CH3                      0.75E+14     0.00        0.  ! estimated
sC3H5+O=C2H5+CO                        0.75E+14     0.00        0.  ! estimated
sC3H5+OH=pC3H4+H2O                    1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
sC3H5+OH=aC3H4+H2O                    1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
sC3H5+OH=CH2CO+CH3+H                   0.50E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
!! addition-elimination 
sC3H5+O2=CH3CO+CH2O                    4.34E+12     0.00        0.  ! Davis et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 103:5889(1999)
sC3H5+CH3=aC3H4+CH4                    1.00E+11     0.00        0.  ! Davis et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 103:5889(1999)
sC3H5+CH3=pC3H4+CH4                    1.00E+11     0.00        0.  ! Davis et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 103:5889(1999)
!! for H atom reaction abstraction is usually fast than addition-elimination with shallow well
!! remain question
!																				 !
!              			C3H3O mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !

C2H3+CO=C2H3CO               			  1.51E+11     0.00     4808.8  
C2H3+HCO=C2H3CO+H                         1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Estimated
C2H3CO+H=C2H4+CO                          1.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! Estimated
!																				 !
!              			C3H4O mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
C2H3CHO=C2H4+CO                        2.00E+12     0.00    56300.  ! estimated
! same as C3H2O, may not be very good, but no other sources can be referenced                       
C2H3CHO+H=C2H4+HCO                     1.08E+11     0.45     5820.   
C2H3CHO+H=C2H3CO+H2                    3.98E+13     0.00     4200.   
C2H3CHO+O=C2H3+OH+CO                   3.00E+13     0.00     3540.   
C2H3CHO+O=CH2O+CH2CO                   1.90E+07     1.80      220.   
C2H3CHO+OH=C2H3+H2O+CO                 3.43E+09     1.18     -447. 
C2H3CHO+CH3=C2H3CO+CH4                 2.00E+13     0.00    11000.   
!C2H3CHO+C2H3=C4H6-13+HCO                  2.80E+21    -2.44    14720.   
!! from USC-Mech II, looks reasonable 
!																				 !
!              			C3H6 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!C3H6=H2+aC3H4                          4.00E+13     0.00    80000.  ! Hidaka Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 24:761(1992)
!C3H6=CH4+C2H2                          3.50E+12     0.00    70000.  ! Hidaka Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 24:761(1992)
!! These two channels are not important. Could be safely deleted   
C3H6+O=C2H5+HCO                        0.97E+07     1.83     -546.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+O=CH3+CH2CHO                      0.77E+07     1.83     -546.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+O=C2H3CHO+H+H                     1.31E+07     1.83     -546.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991) 
C3H6+O=C2H4+CH2O                       0.43E+07     1.83     -546.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+O=aC3H5+OH                        1.75E+11     0.70     5884.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+O=sC3H5+OH                        1.21E+11     0.70     8960.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+O=tC3H5+OH                        6.03E+10     0.70     7633.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
! C3H6+O chemistry is not right in these rates
!! Let's take the abstrac rates and rearrange the addition-elimination rates
!! The first step on triplrt surface CH3CHCH2O is H- atom release or H2CO+CH3CH via bond fission
!! on singlet sruface, it must go through the intersystem crossing first 
!! CH3CHCH2O will isomerized to CH3CH2CHO then forming C2H5+HCO and CH3+CH2HCO, C2H4+H2CO is also a product channel in low temp
!! on Triplet surface, the branching ratio is 75:25
!! on singlet it is about 56:44:0 when temp >1000 K, at room temp C2H4+H2CO is dominant
!! aussming isc is about 50:50(which is normal), then branching ratio of H+H+C2H3CHO: H2CO+C2H4: C2H5+HCO: Ch3+CH2CHO is 75:25:56:44
!! k=3.48E+7*T^1.83*exp(275/T) from Wing Tsang
C3H6+OH=aC3H5+H2O                     -1.21E+08     1.73      925. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053
C3H6+OH=aC3H5+H2O                 	   1.88E+07     2.03      684. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053
!!C3H6+OH=aC3H5+H2O                 	   8.31E+04     2.60      323. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053
C3H6+OH=sC3H5+H2O                      7.80E+03     2.80     2193. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053
C3H6+OH=sC3H5+H2O                 	   1.02E+00     3.51     -101. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053
C3H6+OH=tC3H5+H2O                      4.67E+04     2.47     1748. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053
C3H6+OH=tC3H5+H2O                 	   5.70E-07     2.61    -3086. ! Zador et al. PCCP 11(2009) 11010-11053

!! Other channel are not important at low pressure flame conditions
!C3H6+O2=aC3H5+HO2                      6.03E+13     0.00    47590.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
!C3H6+HO2=aC3H5+H2O2                    9.63E+03     2.60    13910.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
!C3H6+CH=C4H6-13+H                         1.20E+14     0.00        0.  ! ESTIMATED   
!! Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 655?664  C4H6   CH2CHCHCH2
!C3H6+CH2*=C4H7+H                      1.00E+14     0.00        0.  !  Hack W. et al., 
C3H6+CH2=aC3H5+CH3                     2.00E+13     0.00        0.
!!Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie
!!Volume 93, Issue 2, pages 165?170, Februar 1989
C3H6+CH3=aC3H5+CH4                     2.20E+00     3.50     5675.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+CH3=sC3H5+CH4                     8.40E-01     3.50    11660.  ! Tsang W, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 20:221(1991)
C3H6+C2H=C2H2+aC3H5                    0.50E+14     0.00      140.  ! half of C2H+C2H6 rate
C3H6+C2H=CH3+C4H4                      0.70E+14     0.00     -140.  ! estimated
!																				 !
!              			C3H7 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
C3H6+H=CH3+C2H4			 				7.88e+10   		0.8700  	3599.6
 PLOG  /0.04    7.88e+10   0.8700  3599.6/
 PLOG  /1.      2.67E+12   0.4736  5431.1/
 PLOG  /10.     9.25E+22   -2.5495  12898./
 PLOG  /10.     1.57E+05   2.5154  3679.1/
 PLOG  /100.    1.32E+23  -2.4248  16500./
 PLOG  /100.    2.51E+03   2.9088  3098.9/
!!Pressure dependence is very weak
C3H6+H=aC3H5+H2							-8.85E+08		1.307		3411.6
C3H6+H=aC3H5+H2							5.48E+05		2.396		2613.4

C3H6+H=tC3H5+H2							1.49E+02		3.381		8909.5

C3H6+H=sC3H5+H2							3.97E+02		3.252		12007.
C3H6+H=sC3H5+H2							5.10E+02		3.234		12357.
!																				 !
!              			C4H mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
C4H+O=C2O+C2H                          	6.00E+13     0.00        0.0 ! estimated
C4H+O2=HCCO+C2O                        	5.00E+13     0.00     1500.0 ! estimated
C4H+H2=H+C4H2                          	2.10E+06     2.32      882.  ! estimated 
!!all from C2H chemistry, should be reasonable
!																				 !
!              			C4H2 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
C4H2+OH=H2O+C4H                        	9.15E+09     1.03    21746.  ! Senosiain J. P., Klippenstein S. J., Miller J. A. Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007) 185-192.        
C4H2+OH=CO+C3H3		       				1.69E+28    -4.59   20140.   ! Proc Comb Inst 31 185-193 (2007)       
 PLOG /0.01     2.58E+19    -2.44    3034./
 PLOG /0.025    1.69E+28    -4.59   20140./
 PLOG /0.1      7.65E+20    -2.83    4638./
 PLOG /1.       2.11E+23    -3.47    7590./
 PLOG /10.      1.63E+26    -4.18   13082./
 PLOG /100.     5.20E+31    -5.36   31879./
C4H2+OH=H+H2C4O                        	5.52E+19    -2.35     7229.  ! Senosiain J. P., Klippenstein S. J., Miller J. A. Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007) 185-192.         
 PLOG /0.01     1.63E+15    -1.13    2549./
 PLOG /0.025    5.52E+19    -2.35    7229./
 PLOG /0.1      4.61E+23    -3.35   13059./
 PLOG /1.       8.19E+16    -1.59    4204./
 PLOG /10.      1.22E+22    -2.77   17186./
 PLOG /100.     3.10E+18    -1.61   22113./
C4H2+H=nC4H3                           4.17E+32    -6.49     9726.  ! Klippenstein S. J., Miller J. A. J. Phys. Chem. A 109 (2005) 4285-4295.
PLOG/0.013          1.44E+63   -15.66    24018./
PLOG/0.013          4.17E+32    -6.49     9726./
PLOG/0.118          1.91E+47	-13.616 	22832/
PLOG/0.118          1.61E+26 	-5.6133 	9389.7/
PLOG/1.000          7.30E+49 	-11.049 	21571 /
PLOG/1.000          3.47E+26	-4.3335 	8703.8 /
PLOG/10.00          1.91E+41 	-8.1799 	19790/
PLOG/10.00          1.05E+25 	-3.7911 	8465.8/
PLOG/10.00          6.00E+35 	-6.3292 	19322/
PLOG/10.00          5.52E+20 	-2.3188 	7603./
C4H2+H(+M)=iC4H3(+M)                   4.31E+10     1.16     1753.  ! Klippenstein S. J., Miller J. A. J. Phys. Chem. A 109 (2005) 4285-4295.
  LOW                                 /2.30E+45    -8.10     2507. /
  TROE /0.0748 1.0E-50 -4215.9 1.0E50/                                          
  H2/2.0/ CO/2.0/ CO2/3.0/ H2O/9.0/
C4H2+O=C3H2+CO                         2.70E+13     0.00     1720.  ! Warnatz J., in Combustion Chemistry, Gardiner, W. C. Jr. Springer-Verlag, New York (1984).
!C4H2+CH=C5H2+H                         1.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! estimate
!C4H2+CH2=H2CCCCCH+H                    1.30E+13     0.00     4326.  ! Bohland, T et al., Symp. Int. Combust. Proc. 21:841(1988)
!C4H2+CH2(S)=H2CCCCCH+H                 1.70E+15    -0.39        0.  ! Estimate from CH2sing+C2H2
C4H2+C2H=C6H2+H                        9.60E+13     0.00        0.  ! Wang H., and Frenklach M. Combust. Flame 110 (1997) 173.
C4H2+C2H=C6H3                          1.10E+30    -6.30     2790.0     !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
PLOG /    0.026     1.10E+30   -6.30   2790.0/
PLOG /    0.118     1.30E+30   -6.12   2510.0/
PLOG /    1.00      4.50E+37   -7.68   7100.0/
!																				 !
!              			C4H2O mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!C4H2O+H=C2H2+HCCO                      5.00E+13     0.00     3000.  ! Miller, J.A.; Melius, C.F. Combust.Flame 1992, 91, 21.
!C4H2O+OH=CH2CO+HCCO                    1.00E+07     2.00     2000.  ! Miller, J.A.; Melius, C.F. Combust.Flame 1992, 91, 21.
!! to complete the mechanism

!																				 !
!              			C4H3 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !

!iC4H3+O=C4H2O+H                        6.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
iC4H3+O=CH2CO+C2H                       6.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
!nC4H3 = iC4H3                                3.70E+61  -15.81  54890.0     !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 = iC4H3                                1.00E+51  -12.45  51000.0     !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 nC4H3 = iC4H3                                4.10E+43   -9.49  53000.0     !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 + H = iC4H3 + H                        2.40E+11    0.79   2410.0     !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 + H = iC4H3 + H                        9.20E+11    0.63   2990.0     !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 nC4H3 + H = iC4H3 + H                        2.50E+20   -1.67  10800.0     !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 + H = C2H2 + H2CC                      1.60E+19   -1.60   2220.0     !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 + H = C2H2 + H2CC                      1.30E+20   -1.85   2960.0     !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
! nC4H3 + H = C2H2 + H2CC                      6.30E+25   -3.34  10014.0     !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 + H = C4H4                             1.10E+42   -9.65   7000.0     !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!nC4H3 + H = C4H4                             1.10E+42   -9.65   7000.0     !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 nC4H3 + H = C4H4                             2.00E+47  -10.26  13070.0     !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 nC4H3+H = C4H2+H2                            3.00E+13    0.00       0.     != 0.5*C2H3+H
 nC4H3+OH = C4H2+H2O                          2.00E+12    0.00       0.     != 0.5*C2H3+OH
nC4H3 + C2H2 = l-C6H4 + H                    1.40E+15   -0.81   10000.     !   10 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
PLOG/0.013          1.40E+15   -0.81   10000./
PLOG/0.026          3.70E+16   -1.21   11100./
PLOG/0.118          1.80E+19   -1.95   13200. /
PLOG/1.000          2.50E+14   -0.56   10600./
PLOG/10.00          1.20E+17   -1.28   13700./

 nC4H3 + C2H2 = C6H5                     9.60E+70  -17.77   31300.          !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
PLOG/0.013          1.40E+67  -17.42   23000./
PLOG/0.026          2.30E+68  -17.65   24400./
PLOG/0.118          9.80E+68  -17.58   26500. /
PLOG/1.000          9.60E+70  -17.77   31300./
PLOG/10.00          1.90E+63  -15.25   30600./

 nC4H3 + C2H2 = o-C6H4 + H                    6.90E+46  -10.01   30100.     !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
PLOG/0.013          9.20E+33   -6.57   15900./
PLOG/0.026          1.90E+36   -7.21   17900./
PLOG/0.118          3.50E+41   -8.63   23000./
PLOG/1.000          6.90E+46  -10.01   30100./
PLOG/10.00          3.10E+49  -10.59   37700./

! Reactions of iC4H3
!iC4H3 + H = C2H2 + H2CC                      2.40E+19   -1.60    2800.0    !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!iC4H3 + H = C2H2 + H2CC                      3.70E+22   -2.50    5140.0    !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 iC4H3 + H = C2H2 + H2CC                      2.80E+23   -2.55   10780.0    !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!iC4H3 + H = C4H4                             4.20E+44  -10.27    7890.0    !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!iC4H3 + H = C4H4                             5.30E+46  -10.68    9270.0    !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 iC4H3 + H = C4H4                             3.40E+43   -9.01   12120.0    !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
 iC4H3+H = C4H2+H2                            6.00E+13    0.00       0.     != C2H3+H
 iC4H3+OH = C4H2+H2O                          4.00E+12    0.00       0.     != C2H3+OH
 iC4H3+O2 = HCCO+CH2CO                        7.86E+16   -1.80       0.     !89SLA/BER
!																				 !
!              			C4H4 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !

 C4H4 + H = nC4H5                             1.30E+51  -11.92    16500.    !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
PLOG/0.013          1.20E+51  -12.57    12300. /
PLOG/0.026          4.20E+50  -12.34    12500./
PLOG/0.118          1.10E+50  -11.94    13400./
PLOG/1.000          1.30E+51  -11.92    16500./
PLOG/10.00          6.20E+45  -10.08    15800./
 C4H4 + H = iC4H5                             4.90E+51  -11.92    17700.    !  760 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
PLOG/0.013          6.10E+53  -13.19    14200. /
PLOG/0.026          9.60E+52  -12.85    14300./
PLOG/0.118          2.10E+52  -12.44    15500./
PLOG/1.000          4.90E+51  -11.92    17700./
PLOG/10.00          1.50E+48  -10.58    18800./

 C4H4+H = nC4H3+H2                            6.65E+05    2.53   12240.     !97WAN/FRE
 C4H4+H = iC4H3+H2                            3.33E+05    2.53    9240.     !97WAN/FRE
 C4H4+OH = nC4H3+H2O                          3.10E+07    2.0     3430.     !97WAN/FRE
 C4H4+OH = iC4H3+H2O                          1.55E+07    2.0      430.     !97WAN/FRE
 C4H4+O = C3H3+HCO                            6.00E+08    1.45    -860.     != C4H6+O
 C4H4+C2H = l-C6H4+H                          1.20E+13    0.0        0.     != C2H+C2H4
!																				 !
!              			C4H5 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
nC4H5+OH=C4H4+H2O                     2.00E+13     0.00        0.   !estimated
!! I will assume the abstraction is fast with very little temp dependence
!! different from USC-Mech II and Jim Miller's. H-atom abstraction from Radicals is always fast.
!! since C-H bond is weak, for example C2H3,  
!! however, addition-elimination is also a possibility for unsaturated species
nC4H5+OH=HCO+aC3H5                    3.00E+13     0.00        0.   !estimated
!! again from Jim Miller, The OH in the intermediate is weak, H is ready to trasnfer via four center or six center TS
!! products could be HCO+CH3CHCH or HCO+CH2CHCH2, using the latter 
nC4H5+H=C4H4+H2                       3.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! Wang H., and Frenklach M. Combust. Flame 110 (1997) 173.
!! radical-radical reaction fast, increase a factor of 2 
nC4H5+O=CO+aC3H5                      6.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! estimated
!! should be very fast CH2CHCHCH. RADICAL SITE SIMILAR AS C2H3+O
nC4H5+O2=CH2CO+CH2CHO                 1.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! estimated
!! this actually is from Jim Miller's. make more sense to me via five center TS
!! analogy to C2H3+O2 for entrance channel, no barrier

!! these three may be true, but I guess they wont be important
!! ignore them for now
nC4H5+C2H=FC6H6                     4.00E+12     0.00        0.   ! JAM6
nC4H5+C2H=C6H5+H                    1.60E+13     0.00        0.   ! JAM6
nC4H5+C2H=C4H4+C2H2           	     3.00E+12     0.00     5000.   ! JAM6
!nC4H5+C2H3=FC6H6                    1.00E+13     0.00        0.0  ! JAM6
!nC4H5+C2H3=C6H5+H                   6.00E+12     0.00        0.0  ! JAM6

iC4H5+O=C2H3+CH2CO          	       3.00E+13     0.00        0.0  ! JAM
iC4H5+O=CH2O+C3H3         	       3.00E+13     0.00        0.0  ! JAM
!! resonant structure. O addition equally on two C-sites  
iC4H5+H=C3H3+CH3           		   1.00E+14     0.00        0.   ! JAM 
iC4H5+H=C2H2+C2H4          	       3.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! JAM&SJK
!! make sense from simple structure estimation
iC4H5+OH=C4H4+H2O          	       2.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! JAM
! that's is what it is supposed to be
iC4H5+OH=C2H4+CH2CO        	       2.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! JAM
iC4H5+OH=CH2O+aC3H4         	       2.00E+13     0.00        0.   ! JAM
iC4H5+OH=CH2OH+C3H3      	      3.00E+12     0.00        0.   ! JAM
!! two sites barrierless addition, products make sense
iC4H5+O2=CH2CHO+CH2CO       	       7.40E+15    -1.37    11910.   ! Rutz et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 1018?1026
iC4H5+O2=C2H3CO+CH2O       	       4.52E+19    -2.20     9990.   ! Rutz et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 1018?1026
!iC4H5+O2=CH2CHO+CH2CO       	       2.14E+11     0.21    12760.   ! Rutz et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 1018?1026
!! make sense for me
iC4H5+C2H=FC6H6           	  	   1.00E+13     0.00        0.0  ! JAM6
iC4H5+C2H=C6H5+H            	  	   6.00E+12     0.00        0.0  ! JAM6
iC4H5+C2H=2C3H3          	 	   4.00E+12     0.00        0.0  ! JAM6
iC4H5+C2H=C4H4+C2H2         	 	   3.00E+12     0.00     5000.0  ! JAM6
!! trust Jim Miller no other choice
!! Imporant Note: the following rates are calculated using N2 as the collider
!! recombination are not important for the reaction systems. So will not think about the colision efficencies

nC4H5+C2H2=H+C6H6 					   2.94E+16    -1.09     9257.  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                
 PLOG /0.01    1.37E+16     -1.00     8896./
 PLOG /0.025   2.94E+16     -1.09     9259./
 PLOG /0.1     1.37E+16     -1.00     8898./
 PLOG /1.      1.37E+16     -1.00     8900./
 PLOG /10.     1.69E+16     -1.03     8967./
 PLOG /100.    1.65E+16     -1.01     9480./
nC4H5+C2H2=H+FC6H6 				   1.52E+15    -0.76     8762.  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                 
 PLOG /0.01     1.52E+15     -0.76     8766./
 PLOG /0.025    1.52E+15     -0.76     8766./
 PLOG /0.1      1.53E+15     -0.76     8766./
 PLOG /1.       4.62E+15     -0.89     9142./
 PLOG /10.      1.74E+19     -1.86     12382./
 PLOG /100.     1.23E+20     -2.00     16152./
!nC4H5+C2H2=H+CH2CHCHCHCCH  		   1.14E+09     1.39    17338.   ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                 
! PLOG /0.01     1.86E-15     1.39     8723./
! PLOG /0.025    1.90E-15     1.39     8727./
! PLOG /0.1      2.42E-15     1.36     8777./
! PLOG /1.       1.87E-15     1.39     8723./
! PLOG /10.      8.47E-15     1.21     9065./
! PLOG /100.     4.94E-14     1.03     9784./
!nC4H5+C2H2=C6H7 					   2.85E+48   -12.29    15693.4  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740
! PLOG /1.    4.74E+24     -12.29       7902./   ! 500 K-2500 K  
! PLOG /1.    5.80E-30       4.01      -2574./   ! 500 K-2500 K
! PLOG /10.   2.39E+20     -10.08       8905./   ! 500 K-2000 K   
! PLOG /10.   2.64E+20     -33.59     -63439./   ! 500 K-2000 K
! PLOG /100.  7.69E+10     -6.68        8499./   ! 500 K-1500 K 
! PLOG /100.  3.99E+03     -25.14     -57252./   ! 500 K-1500 K

iC4H5+C2H2=H+C6H6  				   1.47E+23    -3.28    24907.   ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                 
 PLOG /0.01     1.47E+23     -3.28     24907./
 PLOG /0.025    1.47E+23     -3.28     24907./
 PLOG /0.1      1.47E+23     -3.28     24907./
 PLOG /1.       1.67E+23     -3.30     24959./
 PLOG /10.      8.25E+24     -3.76     24562./
 PLOG /100.     5.37E+32     -5.84     35023./
iC4H5+C2H2=H+FC6H6  				   1.01E+34    -5.94    28786.  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                        
 PLOG /0.01     6.50E+24     -3.44     20319./
 PLOG /0.025    1.01E+34     -5.94     28786./
 PLOG /0.1      6.50E+24     -3.44     20319./
 PLOG /1.       6.80E+24     -3.45     20337./
 PLOG /10.      9.70E+25     -3.76     21326./
 PLOG /100.     5.22E+41     -7.94     39597./
iC4H5+C2H2=H+C4H5C2H    			   5.70E+18    -1.43    30351.  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                   
 PLOG /0.01     5.59E+18     -1.43     30341./
 PLOG /0.025    5.70E+18     -1.43     30351./
 PLOG /0.1      7.29E+18     -1.46     30465./
 PLOG /1.       5.59E+18     -1.43     30341./
 PLOG /10.      5.62E+19     -1.69     31434./
 PLOG /100.     4.70E+23     -2.73     36142./
!iC4H5+C2H2=H+CHCCH2CHCCH2 			   6.44E+15    -0.52    38439.  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740                 
! CHCCH2CHCCH2 aka 1,2-Hexadiene-5-yne
! PLOG /0.01     6.44E+15     -0.52     38439./
! PLOG /0.025    6.44E+15     -0.52     38439./
! PLOG /0.1      6.44E+15     -0.52     38439./
! PLOG /1.       6.62E+15     -0.53     38452./
! PLOG /10.      9.94E+15     -0.57     38647./
! PLOG /100.     5.67E+17     -1.04     40582./
!iC4H5+C2H2=C6H7     				   1.14E+31    -9.21    19403.  ! Senosiain, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3740
! PLOG /1.     1.14E+31     -9.21     19403./
! PLOG /1.     4.34E+39     -9.12     19210./
! PLOG /10.    6.68E+51     -11.97    29666./
! PLOG /10.    3.60E+51     -28.03   -70552./
! PLOG /100.   4.03E+42     -8.76     28819./
! PLOG /100.   3.41E+41     -25.42   -77676./

nC4H5 + H = iC4H5 + H                        6.00E+13	0.00	0.00  ! Estimated

!																				 !
!              			C4H6 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!!  C4H6     ! CH2CHCHCH2                              54.0924  CH2=CH-CH=CH2
!!  C4H612   ! CH3CHCCH2                               54.0924  CH3-CH=C=CH2
!!  iiC4H6   ! CH3CCCH3   
!C4H6-13 = iC4H5 + H                             8.20E+51 -10.92    118409.    ! RRKM 20 Torr  WAN/FRE
!PLOG /    0.026     8.20E+51 -10.92    118409./
!PLOG /    0.118     3.30E+45  -8.95    115934./
!PLOG /    1.00      5.70E+36  -6.27    112353./

!C4H6-13 = nC4H5 + H                             3.50E+61 -13.87    129677.    ! RRKM 20 Torr  WAN/FRE
!PLOG /    0.026     3.50E+61 -13.87    129677./
!PLOG /    0.118     8.50E+54 -11.78    127472./
!PLOG /    1.00      5.30E+44  -8.62    123608./

! C4H6-13 = C4H4+H2                               2.50E+15   0.0      94700.    !96HID/HIG
! C4H6-13+H = nC4H5+H2                            1.33E+06   2.53     12240.    != C2H4+H
! C4H6-13+H = iC4H5+H2                            6.65E+05   2.53      9240.    !Estimated
!C2H4 + C2H3 = C4H6-13 + H                       7.40E+14  -0.66    8420.0     !   20 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
!C2H4 + C2H3 = C4H6-13 + H                       1.90E+17  -1.32   10600.0     !   90 Torr RRKM WAN/FRE
! C4H6-13+H = C2H4+C2H3                           1.46E+30  -4.34     21647.    !97WAN/FRE 1 atm
!C4H6-13+H = C2H4+C2H3                           5.45E+30  -4.51     21877.    !97WAN/FRE 10 atm

!C4H6-13+O=CH3CHCHCO+H                     1.50E+08     1.45     -860.   !USC-Mech II
!C4H6-13+O=CH2CHCHCHO+H                    4.50E+08     1.45     -860.   !USC-Mech II
!! rates were determined in ADUSEI ET AL.,J. Phys. Chem. 1993,97, 1406-1408
!! But products is unknown.
!! Hai Wang did the calculation in 2000 and estimated the branching ratios 
!C4H6-13+O=nC4H5+OH                      7.50E+06    1.90     3740.   ! USC-Mech II
!C4H6-13+O=iC4H5+OH                      7.50E+06    1.90     3740.   ! USC-Mech II
!! abstraction is slow for O(3P), they are from estimation in J Phys Chem 91:1568(1987)
!!C2H4+H=C2H3+H2                         2.40E+02    3.62    11267.  ! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
!! Will think about it more carefully.
!C4H6-13+H=pC3H4+CH3                       2.00E+12     0.00     7000.   ! USC-Mech II
!C4H6-13+H=aC3H4+CH3                       2.00E+12     0.00     7000.   ! USC-Mech II

!!20 Torrr data
!! these reactions should have an entrance barrier. for example H+C2H2=C2H3, H+C2H4=C2H5
!! But the barrier is small to form CH3CHCHCH2, the following isomerizations have high barrier to form final products
!C4H6-13+OH=CH3CHO+C2H3                    6.30E+12     0.00     -874.   ! From Jim Miller's 
!C4H6-13+OH=aC3H5+CH2O                     6.30E+12     0.00     -874.   ! From Jim Miller's
!! addtion equally to carbon sites, products channel energy are lower
!! assuming rates are the same
!C4H6-13+OH=nC4H5+H2O                     1.53E+06     2.07     1905.   ! Jim Miller's J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8312?8318
!C4H6-13+OH=nC4H5+H2O                     3.49E+06     2.04     4292.   ! Jim Miller's J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8312?8318
!C4H6-13+OH=iC4H5+H2O                     1.54E+06     2.07     1441.   ! Jim Miller's J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8312?8318
!C4H6-13+OH=iC4H5+H2O                     1.62E+07     1.99     2150.   ! Jim Miller's J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 8312?8318
!! reduce this one a factor of 2
!! OH reaction is complicated. several addition and abstraction channels
!! addition is two transition state system. abstraction should be dominant when T>800K
!! total rate matches low temp expts.
!! Jim Miller's old rate is not too good, new rate is close to my estimation.
!C4H6-13+CH3=nC4H5+CH4                    2.00E+14     0.00    22800.   ! USC-Mech II
!C4H6-13+CH3=iC4H5+CH4                    1.00E+14     0.00    19800.   ! USC-Mech II

!! 1,2-C4H6 Chemistry CH3CHCCH2
!C4H6-12=iC4H5+H                         4.20E+15     0.00    92600.    !95LEU/LIN
!C4H6-12+H=C4H6-13+H                        2.00E+13     0.00     4000.    !Estimated
!C4H6-12+H=iC4H5+H2                      1.70E+05     2.50     2490.    != C3H6+H
!C4H6-12+H=aC3H4+CH3                     2.00E+13     0.00     2000.    !97WAN/FRE
!C4H6-12+H=pC3H4+CH3                     2.00E+13     0.00     2000.    !97WAN/FRE
!C4H6-12+O=CH2CO+C2H4                    1.20E+08     1.65      327.    != C3H6+O
!C4H6-12+O=iC4H5+OH                      1.80E+11     0.70     5880.    != C3H6+O
!C4H6-12+OH=iC4H5+H2O                    3.10E+06     2.00     -298.    != C3H6+OH
!C4H6-12=C4H6-13                            3.00E+13     0.00    65000.    !96HID/HIG
!C4H6-12+CH3=iC4H5+CH4                   7.00E+13     0.00    18500.    !88KER/SIN
!! iiC4H6   ! CH3CCCH3 
!C4H6-2=C4H6-13                            3.00E+13     0.00    65000.    !96HID/HIG
!C4H6-2=C4H6-12                          3.00E+13     0.00    67000.    !96HID/HIG
!C4H6-2+H=C4H6-12+H                      2.00E+13     0.00     4000.    !Estimated
!C4H6-2+H=iC4H5+H2                      3.40E+05     2.50     2490.    != C3H6+H 
!C4H6-2+H=CH3+pC3H4                     2.60E+05     2.50     1000.    !96HID/HIG
!C4H6-2=H+iC4H5                        5.00E+15     0.00    87300.    !96HID/HIG
!C4H6-2+CH3=iC4H5+CH4                  1.40E+14     0.00    18500.    !Estimated
!! USC-Mech II and reference therein is the most reliable source
!! most of the reaction products and rates are reasonable
!																				 !
!              			C5H2 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!! C5H2----HCCCCCH radicals triplet state

!C5H2+O=C4H2+CO                         6.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated 
!C5H2+OH=C4H2+CO+H                      2.50E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated 
!! product is not too right, however, dont want to bother with new thermo
!! negelect C5H3 dissociation or C5H2+H association for now
!! reaction with O2
!C5H2+CH=C6H2+H                         1.00E+14     0.00        0.0   ! estimated
!!C5H2+C2H=C7H2+H                        1.00E+14     0.00        0.0   ! estimated
!!Should be in the right range
!H2CCCCCH+OH=C5H2+H2O           	       2.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated 
!HCCCHCCH+OH=C5H2+H2O           	       2.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated
!H2CCCCCH+O=C4H+CH2O           	       8.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated
!HCCCHCCH+O=C3H2+HCCO           	       8.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated
!H2CCCCCH+H=C5H2+H2           	       4.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated 
!HCCCHCCH+H=C5H2+H2           	       4.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated
!H2CCCCCH+CH3=C5H2+CH4        	       3.00E+12     0.00     5000.    ! estimated
!HCCCHCCH+CH3=C5H2+CH4         	       3.00E+12     0.00     5000.    ! estimated
!! right range for all above, not too important anyway I guess
!HCCCHCCH+H=H2CCCCCH+H                  1.00E+13     0.00        0.    ! estimated
!! depdening on thermo, if reactant is less stable, the rate could be 1.0E14 or at least 6.0E13
!H2CCCCCH+CH3=FC6H6           		   1.00E+11     0.00        0.0   ! JAM 11/2007
!H2CCCCCH+CH3=C6H5+H            		   1.00E+11     0.00        0.0   ! JAM 11/2007
!H2CCCCCH+CH3=C6H6              		   5.00E+10     0.00        0.0   ! JAM 11/2007
! These need some work
!HCCCHCCH+CH3=FC6H6                     1.00E+11     0.00        0.    ! JAM 11/2007
!HCCCHCCH+CH3=C6H5+H            		   1.00E+11     0.00        0.    ! JAM 11/2007
!! The thermo of C5H3 has to re-evaluated before assessing the rates 
!																				 !
!              			C6H2 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
C6H2+H=C6H3                            1.10E+30  -4.92    10800.0  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173.
!C6H2+O=C5H2+CO                         2.70E+13     0.00     1720.  ! Estimated 
!C6H2+OH=HCCCHCCH+CO                    1.68E+28    -4.59    20140.  ! Estimated 
!! this channel should be pretty good
!! but the other channels are too complicated to write the rate and thermo---H+C5H2O
!																				 !
!              			C6H3 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!! linear species HCC-C*=CH-CCH 
C6H3+H=C4H2+C2H2                       2.40E+19    -1.60     2800.  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173.
!C6H3+H=l-C6H4                          4.20E+44   -10.27     7890.  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173.
C6H3+H=C6H2+H2                         4.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173.
C6H3+OH=C6H2+H2O                       2.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimate
C6H3+O2=>CO+C3H2+HCCO                  5.00E+11     0.00        0.  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173.
!! this one is slow, no doubt about it
!																				 !
!              			C6H4 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!!o-C6H4 decomposition
!! remember to check the thermo
!o-C6H4=C2H2+C4H2                       1.95E+90   -21.30   139390.  ! Moskaleva et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999, 1, 3967-3972
!! 100 Torr data
!o-C6H4=l-C6H4                          4.77E119   -30.10   151502.  ! Moskaleva et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999, 1, 3967-3972
!! 100 Torr data for O-C6H4 to p-C6H4, but p-C6H4 will isomerize to l-C6h4 very quickly 
!!l-C6H4+H=n-C6H5                        3.30E+44  -10.04    18800.  ! (54) Wang 97
!! it wont be stablized at all. I can hardly believe the existence of n-C6H5 in combustion enviroments
!o-C6H4+OH=C5H5+CO                      1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Estimated
!! Hai Wang has the same number
!o-C6H4+O=OH+C6H3                       1.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! Estimated
!! at least at this level for high temp
!l-C6H4+H=C6H5                          3.60E+77   -20.09    28100.  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173. 
!l-C6H4+OH=C6H3+H2O                     3.10E+06     2.00      430.  ! Wang, H.; Frenklach, M. Combust.Flame 1997, 110, 173. 
!																				 !
!              			C6H5 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!!!! I dont like the idea of linear C6H5, it can easily stablize to phenyl 
C6H5(+M)=o-C6H4+H(+M)                  4.30E+12     0.62    77313.  ! Hai Wang et al., Proc combust. Inst. 28(2000) 1545-1555   
    LOW/ 1.00E+84 -18.87    90064    /
    TROE/ 0.902, 696., 358., 3856.     /    
    H2/2.0/ H2O/6.0/ CH4/2.0/ CO/1.5/ CO2/2.0/
!! will check collision efficiency
!! I am not sure about the rate either
!! C6H5+H=o-C6H4+H2                       2.00E+11    1.10    24500.  ! 01-MEB-LIN 1 atm wenjun citied this from USC_II
!! I am very surprised to see this rate, it is terribly wrong. Misinterpretation of the paper.
C6H5+H=o-C6H4+H2                       1.10E+06     2.36     4931.  ! Mebel, et al., J Chem Phys 114(2001) 8421
!C6H5+O=C5H5+CO                         1.00E+14     0.00        0.  ! FRANK et al., Symposium (International) on Combustion 25(1994) 833-840
C6H5+OH=C6H5O+H                        5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimate
!C6H5+OH=C6H5O+H                        5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimate
C6H5+OH=o-C6H4+H2O                       1.00E+07     2.00     1000.  ! estimate
!!C6H5+O2=C6H5O+O                          2.39E+21   -2.62     4400.    !(121) Richter 02
C6H5+O2=C6H5O+O                        1.02E+13     0.00     3580.  ! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
!! This reaction is very complicated. MC Lin had the PES, but didn't calculate the rates
!!C6H5+O2=C6H4O2+H                       3.00E+13    0.00     8982.  !(139) Sivaramakrishnan 04
!! very high pressure expts with big errors of temperature. Rates are not too good to believe.
C6H5+O2=C6H4O2+H                       4.50E+12     0.00     3590.  ! FRANK et al, Symp. Int. Combust. Proc. 25(1994) 833
!!C6H4O2=C5H4O+CO                       7.40E+11    0.00    59000. !  94-FRA-HER
C6H5+HO2=C6H5O+OH                      5.00E+13     0.00     1000.  !(108) Leung/Linstedt 95
!! might be too fast, HO2 will not so reactive. will think about it
!! Product is most likely to be correct.
C6H5+H2=C6H6+H                         5.71E+04     2.43     6277.  ! Mebel, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 3189-3196
!! accuarte through 200-1500 K comparing to experimental data
!C6H5+CH3=C6H5CH3                       1.48E+13     0.00        0.  ! Tokmakov et al., J Phys Chem A 103(1999) 3636-3645
!! Toluene decomposition ?
C6H5+CH4=C6H6+CH3                      6.03E+12     0.00    12321.  ! Tokmakov et al., J Phys Chem A 103(1999) 3636-3645
!C6H5+C2H2=C6H5C2H+H                    4.00E+13     0.00    10093.  ! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
!! MC has a very good calcuation results
C6H5+C2H4=C6H6+C2H3                    5.69E-02     4.47     4471.  ! Tokmakov et al.,J. Phys. Chem. A 2004, 108, 9697-9714
!																				 !
!              			C6H5O mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!C6H5O=C5H5+CO                          1.01E+11     0.00    43900.  ! Lin et al. J Phys Chem 1986, 90, 425-431
!! shock tube experiment at 0.4 atm to 0.9 atm
!! decrease a factor of 5 may be too much, a factor of 5 will be alright. Done!
!!C6H5O+H=C5H5+HCO			           1.00E+13    0.00    12000.  ! USC Mech II
!! dont see the possibility for this channel. Even if it exists, it is minor anyway
C6H5O+H=C5H6+CO			               5.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated from MC Lin's paper on C6H5OH PES
!!C6H5O+O=C6H4O2+H                       2.60E+10    0.47      795.  ! MEB-LIN-95 (added 9/23)
!! wrong interpretation of the paper. and the results of the paper is not reliable 
!C6H5O+O=C5H5+CO2                       2.00E+13     0.00        0.  ! estimated
!C6H5O+O=C6H4O2+H                       1.20E+14     0.00        0.  ! estimated
!! all the previous rates of this reaction are estimation.
!! i believe current value should be more reliable even though it may not necessarily give the best simulation  
!!C6H5O+H=C6H5OH                         4.43E+60  -13.23    30010.  !(121) Richter 02
!! This rate is so wrong! Write in reverse reaction
!C6H5O+OH=C6H4O+H2O                     2.95E+06     2.00    -1312.0 ! USC Mech II                         
!C6H5+C6H5=C6H5C6H5                    5.70E+12    0.00        0.  !HEC/HIP 96 from Lindstedt 96
!A+C6H5=C6H5C6H5+H                     2.00E+12    0.00     3996.7 !FAH/STE 89 from Lindstedt 96                      
!C6H5CH2+C6H5CH2=BiBenzyl              2.51E+11    0.40        0.  !(114) Emdee/Bre92
!BiBenzyl+H=C6H5CHCH2+C6H5+H2          5.01E+13    0.00    13000.  !(144) Colket 94
!																				 !
!              			C6H4O2 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
!C6H4O2=C5H4O+CO                        7.40E+10     0.00    59020.  ! FRANK et al, Symp. Int. Combust. Proc. 25(1994) 833
!! experiments are at 1.3~2.3 atm. decrease the rate a factor of 10 may be OK for the 30 Torr experiments considering the falloff
!!C6H4O2+OH rate is about 3.0E12 at 300K, but the products is very hard to check
!C6H4O2+H=CO+C5H5O                      4.30E+09     1.45     3900.  !  USC Mech II
!C6H4O2+O=2CO+C2H2+CH2CO                3.00E+13     0.00     5000.  !  USC Mech II

!																				 !
!              			C6H6 mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !

C6H6+OH=C6H5+H2O                       2.34E+04     2.68      733.  ! Seta et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 5081-5090
C6H6+OH=C6H5OH+H                       1.32E+02     3.25     5589.  ! Seta et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 5081-5090

C6H6+O=C6H5O+H                         1.98E+07     1.80     3974.  ! Taatjes et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 3355?3370
C6H6+O=C6H5OH                          1.50E+29    -4.72    13342.  ! Taatjes et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 3355?3370
C6H6+O=C6H5OH                          8.31E+04    -5.04     9356.  ! Taatjes et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 3355?3370
C6H6+O=C5H6+CO                         7.20E+13     0.12    11777.  ! Taatjes et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 3355?3370 
!! Abstraction is minor at low temp for sure, but might be important at higher temp
!! however, all the results conclude it is not important except J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 3836-3849                        
C6H6+O2=C6H5+HO2                       6.30E+13     0.00    60000.  ! Asaba et al., Proc. Int. Symp. Shock Tubes Waves 8(1971) 1-12
!! This rate is actually an estimation. it seems that all the information about this reaction are from this referenece 
!																				 !
!              			C6H5OH mechanism-HPMECH					     			 !
!																				 !
C6H5OH+M=C6H5O+H+M                     2.56E+94   -28.21   125976.    ! Xu et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 1672-1677
C6H5OH=C5H6+CO                         8.62E+15    -0.61    74115.    ! Xu et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 1672-1677
C6H5OH+H=C6H5O+H2                      1.15E+14     0.00    12400.    ! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
C6H5OH+OH=H2O+C6H5O                    1.00E+13     0.00      880.    ! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)
C6H5OH+O=C6H5O+OH                      1.69E+13     0.00     3060.    ! Baulch et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 34:757 (2005)